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it was almost nine at night when doyoung exited the hospital room of his mom and closed the door behind him, holding the two lunch boxes in his hand. the two had spent time to hold a conversation while consuming their dinner together after returning back from their stroll, and now, the boy's mom was feeling sleepy and wanted to get some sleep. the first year university student granted that for her and waited until she fell asleep before deciding to take his leave for the day.

doyoung enjoyed the time he spent with his mom today, just like every other day when it was his time to visit her. since the business management didn't know when her time to leave the earth would come, every moment that the two spent together was crucial to the boy, creating another memory that he would not ever forget, even if it was the smallest of things.

upon exiting the room, doyoung's eyes followed along down the hallway, seeking the invisible line of where the nurses ran down with yedam in a hospital bed, the second year university student's friends and brother following along behind them. he was trying to decide whether or not he should follow the path of the almost empty hallway to reach yedam's hospital room that he was occupying, knowing the room number thanks to the receptor who called it out loud earlier that day.

the first year university student saw yedam being pushed over to his room about an hour and a half prior to the current moment while he was making his way to the restroom. the ten other boys followed behind, continuously asking questions to the nurses about the male's condition. thinking back to that event, doyoung suddenly became exceedingly curious once more as to what was happening with yedam. it made him worried, knowing that the older made frequent trips to the hospital, and doyoung wanted to help in some way, but the first year university student knew his place, and that wasn't in yedam's business unless the older wanted to involve him into it.

deciding to at least stop by and see how the other was doing, the business management student turned to his right and traveled down the hallway with doors lined up on both sides. he turned a corner, now going the opposite direction from the er where yedam had been rolled to earlier when he first came in, and began looking for room number thirty-six. it wasn't too difficult to find since the room numbers were placed in increasing order with each room that doyoung passed by, and soon enough, the first year university student was approaching the group of ten boys that were scattered in the hallway, waiting to be granted permission to enter and check yedam's condition with their own eyes.

although doyoung had only met most of the boys once, he was able to recognize everyone who was there. obviously he knew jihoon, being yedam's older brother and crossing paths multiple times at their faculty after the first year university student found out about the two of them being in business management. he also knew haruto and mashiho, who he also began to see more often at their faculty and the university in general after they were officially introduced to each other. as for the others, there wasn't much interaction that happened between them and doyoung since the day they first met. none of the other boys were in the same faculty as doyoung, so there wasn't really much of a reason to see them often.

the first year university student could see the solicitous behavior of the second year university student's friends, who were impatiently waiting for the doctor to let them in and see the boy's condition. jihoon was sitting on the bench right outside with his head hanging low, elbows resting on each of his knees and hands balled into a fist. hyunsuk and jaehyun were seated on either side of the panda-looking male, rubbing his shoulder and arm to help him relax and calm down a bit. mashiho was kneeled down in front of jihoon, and the japanese male was trying to assure the older, similarly to the other two, and was rubbing the korean male's knee.

junkyu, yoshi, jeongwoo, and haruto were pacing back and forth at a steady pace in front of the room, concern evident in each of their faces. haruto's arms were crossed and a stern expression rested on the face of junkyu, contrasting his usual character that was described by jihoon to the first year university student some time ago. asahi was leaning his head on jaehyuk's shoulder, sleeping, but the business management student could see the look of perturbation on the japanese male's face as his eyebrows were furrowed and the corners of his mouth were turned downwards in a frown. junghwan was also sleeping, but he was laying down in hyunsuk's lap, a look of concern shadowing over his peaceful state of sleepness.

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