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"and what was his reaction?" jihoon asked over the phone to the masked male, who was currently making his way to school without the male on the other side of the line because the older had left the house early to work on a project he had with some other classmates.

"it was... really good," a small smile formed on the lips of yedam underneath the piece of fabric that hid half his face from the others around him. being reminded of the day before, where the second year university student had told doyoung about his allergy, made him feel overly joyed, maybe because the younger hadn't left the masked male as he had originally thought.

"it is about time he knew, isn't it?"

instinctively, the masked male nodded his head, unaware that he wasn't actually in a physical conversation with jihoon. there was no doubt that yedam had waited long enough to tell the younger about his allergy, and it was true. it was about time for the first year university student to know about yedam's idiosyncrasy, and honestly speaking, the masked male had no regrets.

"yeah, it is," yedam replied after returning back to his senses. he couldn't believe that he was so distracted to the point where he nodded his head instead of verbally replying back, forgetting that the two were on a phone call.

a chuckle was heard from the other side of the line. "you sound like you're a high school girl whose daydreaming about their crush," jihoon commented, referring to the light and soft voice that yedam was using, similar to that of a shy girl. the masked male shook his head violently after hearing those words come from his older brother.

"n-no i don't..."

"n-no i don't," the third year university student mimicked his younger brother in a high pitched and teasing voice, causing yedam to just roll his eyes.


"okay, okay. i'll stop bothering you. i have to get back to my project," the older of the two said, surrendering to the masked male after hearing his complaints on the older's teasing. "see you after school. you are not allowed to bail on us last minute. we are going to eat tteokbboki and you will come with us."

jihoon had emphasized 'will' in his last statement before ending the call, making yedam's smile grow bigger. it had been a while since the masked male had been able to hang out with all his friends together due to the many tests that were going on as well as the lengthy assignments being handed out by literally every teacher that was this close to killing him. yedam felt like he hasn't seen his friends in forever, which could be quite true considering the fact that he is the only one of his friends who studies in the music and film production and management faculty, and it doesn't help that everyone else is also super busy with the exams coming closer and closer with each passing hour.

turning the corner on the street, the masked male was almost at his faculty building, only having to walk another half mile to reach the perimeter. he stopped at the crosswalk, crossed the street, and continued making his way towards the university when he was abruptly stopped with a voice calling out his name from behind him.

"yedam hyung!" the second year university student didn't need to turn around to know who that voice belonged to, but he still looked over his shoulder and turned completely around to face the younger, who was still running towards him from about two blocks away.

yedam waved and smiled at the younger, who was coming closer and closer with every step. maybe the second year university student realized too late, but doyoung didn't seem to be slowing down as he approached the seven feet distance that was unofficially established by the two. he didn't know why, since the younger clearly knew about his allergy and about the other being one of the main causes of it, but all of his thoughts went away in the next minute as he was suddenly frozen still while in the arms of doyoung, who was wrapping his arms around the masked male's waist tightly, almost squeezing yedam to death.

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