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a couple days have now passed after yedam visited the hospital once again. however this time, fortunately, it wasn't as severe since he had only passed out due to the strong smell of baby powder directly underneath his nose.

the only thing yedam was able to remember from the bullying that occurred was the injury that his bully had gotten and the fact that jihoon and doyoung had saved him from another possibly near death experience. the simple smell of baby powder was enough to cause the masked male to hyperventilate. what more if the two other boys didn't find him in time?

yedam was able to get another fabric mask from his house that he had spent time to make and scented it with febreeze before putting it on and leaving the warm comfort of his home. looking at the time, the masked male made his way to the university slowly, knowing that he still had about an hour before his first lecture would start.

for the first time in yedam's life, excluding the first few times, he felt so suffocated wearing his mask. maybe because he had spent the entire weekend inside his house trying to recover from the slightly severe allergic reaction that he had instead of hanging out with his friends like they had planned. maybe because he was wearing a new mask that he had yet to become familiar with.

or maybe it was because of something else. although completely unrelated, maybe the masked male felt suffocated because of doyoung. jihoon had told the second year university everything he saw while saving yedam, from the boy being pinned against the wall to him passing out.

jihoon had even told him that yedam's bullies got ahold of his mask and ran off with it, thus the reason for the masked male to get another, and with the memory of jihoon and doyoung saving the said, it didn't take a genius to put two and two together and surmise that the first year university student had seen the older's bare face, one that wasn't covered halfway with a mask.

thinking back to it, yedam felt the slightest bit embarrassed that doyoung had seen his face in a state of half consciousness or even a state of full unconsciousness. it wasn't like yedam wanted to hide his face from the younger male, but he didn't want the other to see him in such a state.

knowing the business management student for almost three weeks now and holding once-a-day conversations, sometimes even twice, even from seven feet away, has helped the two grow closer together. yedam was really looking forward to hanging out with both doyoung and his friends on friday, but a series of unfortunate events had to happen, canceling all their plans.

the masked male couldn't hide his disappointment. he was really excited about hanging out with doyoung again, and this time, it wouldn't be in a school setting as it usually is. he was hoping to get another chance to hang out with doyoung outside of school.

just as yedam was entering the boundaries of his faculty, he came across doyoung, who was standing exactly seven feet from the entrance. the masked male blinked a few times, wanting to make sure that he wasn't imagining anything and that the younger was really there, and after seeing doyoung give him a smile and a small wave, the second year university student was able to conclude that the younger was, in fact, at his faculty right at this moment.

"were you waiting for me?" yedam asked, curious to know why the first year university student was here at his building. the other nodded and held out a small, brown paper bag.

doyoung placed it down on the ground right in front of him and took two steps back. recalling the technique that the two developed in front of the library one day, yedam took two steps forward to counter the younger's backwards steps, and this continued on until the masked male was right in front of the small, brown paper bag.

opening the top of the bag slightly, yedam widened his eyes at the contents inside the bag and looked back up to the first year university student.

mask | DODAMWhere stories live. Discover now