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"so it is a date."

yedam slightly smiled underneath his mask after recalling the words of the older brother of the boy who was walking next to him, seven feet away. the two were at a park and just walking around, enjoying the fresh air and the miles of green scenery that surrounded them. barely any words have been exchanged between the two ever since they left doyoung's dorm room building, but neither of them were complaining because words didn't need to be exchanged between the two of them to enjoy their time together. just being in each other's presence was enough.

the reason why seunghun's words caused yedam to smile was because the masked male didn't find it to be a bad idea; what the two of them were doing was similar to a date, after all, so he wasn't complaining one bit.

but maybe it was too soon to consider this a date. the two only met a month ago, and although yedam felt as if the two were pretty close now, the feeling may very much be platonic. it was possible that doyoung didn't think the same way as the masked male, and if that were the case, then the second year university student wouldn't want to make the younger uncomfortable.

just like they were now. the silence between them was, no doubt, awkward, but neither was deciding to do anything about it. yedam obviously didn't think this far, having many doubts that doyoung would've refused to hang out together at this moment. but the younger did agree, and despite the weird tension in the air, yedam was happy.

"you're brother seems nice," yedam decided to break the silence by saying something, although he really had nothing to talk about. doyoung let out a light hearted chuckle, the sound reaching yedam's ears and ringing in his head, drawing him more towards the sound of the first year university student's voice.

"if you take away all the teasing he does on a daily basis, then yeah, i guess," doyoung replied. "he's overprotective of me sometimes, wanting to square up with anyone who bothers me even the littlest bit, but that's just the way he shows how much he cares for me."

yedam nodded his head, understanding doyoung's feelings very well. jihoon was also very protective of the masked male, but mainly because of his allergy. "him and jihoon hyung would get along very well."

"you think so?" doyoung asked, obviously sounding happy at their siblings getting along. the masked male nodded his head to confirm his thinking. the older brothers of doyoung and yedam appeared to have a lot in common, the main similarity being that they were both overprotective of their younger brothers. the second year university student could already envision a conversation that jihoon may have with seunghun if the two ever meet, and you can bet that the conversation would include the younger two.

silence drew upon them once again, like a small fish bowl being filled up with new water. yedam wasn't a really big fan of the silence that always seemed to appear between them every time they were together for longer than five minutes, but he, himself, didn't know how to get rid of it.

yedam, if not obvious already, was a pretty shy boy, mainly because he had to be cautious of other people due to his allergy, but also because he didn't know if he would be able to trust that the people who come into his life would stay with him throughout. the masked male has had a lot of people leave him after finding out about his idiosyncrasy because they find it absolutely ridiculous and thought that yedam only wanted attention, which was not the case at all.

the second year university student first had doubts about doyoung, but they slowly began to fade as time passed. as the two kept talking more and more, yedam began to trust the younger and open up to him more. doyoung never once questioned yedam about his mask or the distance he was keeping between the two of them, and that was something he appreciated. the masked male knew that the younger was curious; even yedam himself would be curious if he was in doyoung's shoes. but the second year university student felt that because the younger didn't question him about anything, the other was around him not to find out about why he was wearing a mask, but because he genuinely wanted to be around him.

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