𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 : 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒚

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Chaeyoung stepped closer to me, grabbed my face and kissed me.


Her lips touching mine felt so right. Like it was meant for each other. Couple seconds passed and we pulled away. I looked into her eyes. This feeling is so magical and so surreal. Who would've thought that I would finally get to kiss Chaeyoung Park?

We chuckled and looked away from each other.

" You know this wouldn't be bad? If you and I were dating... We can give it a try. And if it doesn't work out then we have to be mature about it." Chaeyoung says as she continues walking.

" Deal. But you know, I'm an ideal girlfriend." I smirk at her as she rolls her eyes playfully.

" I am! I'll walk you to class, bring you breakfast in the morning, take care of you when you're sick, do your homework when you get too stressed, cook for you, give you hugs and kisses everyday, and give you free massages if you're muscles get tensed up." I say.

" Maybe I have to breakup with you already for your cheesiness." Rosè chuckles.

" I'm telling you!" I say.


I pulled over Rosè's house and got out of the car. We walk to her front door and she turned to me.

" I had a really fun time tonight Y/N. Thanks for the flowers and tonight." Rosè says.

" I had a really fun time too Chaeng. You're welcome." I smile.

" I'm gonna pay next time okay?" Chaeyoung taps my nose.

" Oh so there's gonna be a next time?" I smirk at her.

She rolls her eyes playfully, leans in and gives me a kiss.

" Oh trust me, there will. It's time." She says, resting her hand on my cheek.

I admire her beauty and just how the moonlight bounces on her face. It's truly magical. She takes her hand off my cheek and clears her throat.

" I'll see you tomorrow at the university."

I nod. " Goodnight Chae." I say.

" Goodnight Y/N/N." Rosè says, and with that, she entered her house.

The next day...

I got up from bed, got ready, ate breakfast and drove to the university. When I arrived, Jisoo unnie and Lisa were already there.

" Annyeong!" I greeted them.

" Annyeong Y/N unnie! How was the date with Chong-ah?" Lisa asks.

" It went really well actually."

" OUUUUU did ya'll do the dirty?" Jisoo smirks.

" No- Well... Not yet."

" NOT YET HUH? You're really taking this seriously Y/N." Jisoo says.

" Well yes because it's Roseanne." I say.

" Cheesy bitch." Jisoo says as Lisa laughs.

" Annyeong!" Rosè greets us.

" Annyeong!" I wave at her as she walks towards us.

She goes to me and takes my arm and put it around her shoulder.

" Hey you." She says.

" Hey." I smile at her and give her a kiss on the cheek.

" You two are so cute that it makes me wanna puke rainbows." Lisa says as we laugh at her comment.

" I'M HERE. SORRY I'M LATE." Jennie says out of breath.

" It's not our problem you're late. You're the only one who's gonna check out for a dorm since you're that dumb of a bitch to get cut off by your parents." Jisoo scoffs.

" I thought I said we weren't gonna talk about this anymore?" Jennie growls.

" Just saying Jendeukie." Jisoo says.


It's been 2 hours and Jennie finally found a dorm that she likes. After she did, we all went to starbucks.

" Are you guys nervous for college?" Jisoo says.

" Who isn't?" I say, taking a sip of my green tea latte.

" I wasn't even supposed to go to college. But I guess here we are." Lisa shrugs.

" Yeah well. I'd rather start a band." Jennie says.

We all went silent.

" What if we do?" Chaeyoung suggests.

" Well... Maybe we should give it a shot?" I say.

" You? The Y/N Y/L/N sing and dance?" Jisoo scoffs.

" I'm not saying that I'm gonna dance or sing. I'm saying that i'll write the music. You guys know I can't sing or dance but I know how to write and play the piano, guitar, and ukulele." I say.

" Okay, then it's settled. We're gonna form a band." Jennie says.

~ For You ~ Rosé x Reader ( GxG )Where stories live. Discover now