Oh Sugar! D:

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I have finally found my way to the english classroom and I have taken an empty seat and there is no one next to me so I'm hoping the whole class is already here so i can be alone for a while. The teacher started speaking but I wasn't really listening, the incident in the corridoor was on my mind. A sudden "bang" startled me from my day dream, and i glanced up to come face to face with the SAME boy as earlier! Oh sugar! I quickly peered around, but there wasn't any empty seats except for the one next to me! This can't be happening...

"explain to me why you are late young man," the teacher scolded

"urghhhh, because ummm, some kid bumped into me and i had to go and umm clean myself up in the erm bathroom?" the boy mumbled almost asking if that was a good enough exscuse! Then i realised he meant me, i felt my face flush red and the boy gave me a menacing look.

"Just go sit down!!! You are just in time for registration," the teacher frowned.

This incredibley beautiful boy fell into the seat next to me and i suddenly felt myself trying not to make a single movement or eye contact. This was going to be hard!

The teacher began calling out names, and i listened to each one trying to find out what this boy was called.


"Oh, here sir and its just Alli," I replied

"Great. Cameron?"

"Yuppp" The boy i now know is calld "cameron" grunted


"Hereeee sirr" he groaned miserabley

I just know this is going to be a LONG lesson D:

~At lunch~

I am back with Maya and i decided not to tell her about my little crush on Cameron, as he probably wasnt the BEST guy to "like" and plus he is already amazingly popular when he only started school today!!!

"Alli?! ALLI! are you even listening?" Maya said, i hadnt realised she was speaking to me....Ooopss

"Oh, erm yeah...well no but, um" Thats when i saw him walking into the cafeteria with a large group of friends surrounding him!

Maya's POV

I have had a great first day so far, but alli seems to be distracted by something and i dont know what? I suddenly notice her looking at someone across the hall and i followed her eyes to a large group of boys. They seem to be surrounding one in the middle who has black hair styled into a quiff and perfect cheek bones. I turn back to Alli just to check thats who shes looking at, it was. I turned back around and the one with black hair notices Alli staring and starts to come towards us! I panic, as there was a LOT of them and i quickly rush off to the loo, leaving Alli to fend for herself. I know this is a bit mean, but i wasnt going to be the on getting in trouble with THEM.

Camerons POV

I was just hanging with my friends, when i notice HER gawping at us, the one who ran into me this morning, the one who ignored me in English! I was not having this and i begin to walk towards her, all the Cameron wannabes following me. They seemed to notice where i was going and quickly got the idea of what i was going to do. I went up to this incredibley hot, yet extremely annoying and...

"what?" i spat at her

"huh? OH erm i um just was er," she mumbled hopelessy and she looked EXTREMELY embarrased

"Whats Your problem dork?" one of my "friends" said, i glanced around, this wasnt what i wanted.

"Yah, back off you nerd!" another one of them said and threw there bottle at her. Oh no what have i done now? Cameron Dallas was never meant to be a bully, i just wanted to see whats up! But i cant act like a freak in front of ALL these people so i did what i had to do "

"YOU ARE A FREAK!" I yelled, giving her a guilty look but not wanting to let my friends down, after that i just tried to escape the situation and all these guys followed me, giving the poor lass a break...What have i done now...

Alli's POV

I wanted to cry, i wanted to go home and never come back. I ran to the toilets where Maya said she went and hid in the cubicle till the end of lunch, completely ignoring Mayas apoligies and begs. So this was how im going to spend my school year, being bullied by a bunch of dudes with nice hair...Well good luck with surviving this one Alli. The whole school probably knows by now, Im going to be the biggest nerd in history and its the 1st day back! D: Oh sugar...

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