Chapter 19: Hero's voice

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Warning: Coarse language used (one sentence)

Note: For the full reading experience of this chapter, please listen to "I Like Me Better" by Lauv on repeat.

I was just done showering when I saw that I have received a text from Emily. Probably might have gotten a little too excited as I kicked the edge of my bed frame when I rushed for my phone.

Hold on. Excited?

Why the hell am I even excited?


E.L.: I've thought about it

Hero: And?

E.L.: Deal

Hero: Good choice

She's so stupid, I should remind her to keep our plans a secret right? So I immediately sent another text.

Hero: Remember

E.L.: Yes I know, hush

Hero: Puppies

As I lay on my bed, I stared at the ceiling, feeling proud of my own joke. Hush and puppies. Hush puppies. Get it?


"Don't kill each other while we're gone!" Hugh said to Emily and I when we sent him and Natalie off at the airport. Never have I thought that there would be a day when I would even come so remotely close to agreeing with Hugh.

I kind of feared for my life.

Rewind back to last week. I was hanging out with Chuck and the rest of the boys, playing recreationally at the outdoor basketball court. Emily passed by and when I was slightly distracted, Chuck slapped the ball out of my hands. Unfortunately for her, the ball flew out of the court and hit her head.

I had to continue putting on the front that we are strangers in front of the boys, so I shouted from afar to get her to pass the ball back to us. I should have expected that she wasn't so nice. Instead of a pass with the purpose of the other person catching it, she aimed for my shin, causing me to utter a yelp in response.

So anyway, back to the present.

"Shall we leave? So that we can get back in time to say goodbye to Toby before his parents pick him up." Emily said.

"I'm way too good at goodbyes."

"Please do not ruin a Sam Smith song."

Did she just insult my singing? She should listen to herself.


"So what are we doing today?" I asked when she finally appeared.

"We will check out the Dymaxion Chronofile." Emily answered.

"What is that?"

"An archive of Buckminster Fuller's existence. It's just over in the library."

"Library? Fuck no. Do that on your own. We're going somewhere else." I rolled my eyes. I think in my head, I rolled my eyes for at least another ten times. What is wrong with this girl? Library? Pffft.

"Well, I thought the archives might be interesting. It's like peeping at someone's diary. Isn't that exciting?" That's what she said.

"No. That's an invasion of privacy."

"Only if you don't have permission."

This girl, seriously? She finds something like this thrilling? If I make her break the law she might just have a heart attack.

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