Chapter 24

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I have ever asked Hero before, the reason why he likes me.

"I have a feeling from the start that you view me differently from others." Was what he said.

But the more I think about it, isn't it him who viewed me differently from others? Like he could see something in me that I myself couldn't even identify.

To summarize my college life so far, it has been a blast. Moments where I thought couldn't go any higher, exceeded my expectations. The experiences for the past six months sum up to more than the first twenty years of my life.

My plans for a low profile life in college crashed the moment I met Nat, or maybe it's because she's my roommate, or perhaps both. Not complaining, in fact, I am grateful. And I learn to become more appreciative everyday, especially when I used to always hear how people would say that you can't find true friends in college because that's how competitive society is.

The whole lot of them dropped by the cafe for a drink, to visit me when I was at work. After knowing that they are my friends, Anne treated them all to a drink. Anne is one of the most generous people that I have ever met in my life. Widowed at a young age, around her thirties, she opened up this cafe after her husband passed away. She said that by interacting with customers from all kinds of backgrounds, hearing their stories made her less lonely.

While I was bringing their drinks to them, Hugh was in the middle of whining about how "Hero bugged them all to come". Hero then tried to cover Hugh's mouth with his hand but given Hugh's personality, if he knows that you are embarrassed, he will try to embarrass you further. He tried to pry Hero's hand away and was almost shouting into Hero's hand, but his voice was so muffled that none of us could make sense of what he was saying.

It wasn't an unusual sight, in fact, it became even more common after Hero and I got together.

So the rest just left the two at that and started a conversation on another topic without them.

After a couple of hours, those who have classes left to attend class, those who have club activities went to participate in their club's activity or practice.

"I'll see you later?" Hero asked. I nodded and he gave me a peck on the top of my head before leaving.


That evening, Hero and I went to the nearest shopping mall for dinner.

"Hey Emily?"


"So, there's this thing." He paused as he stared at his basket of french fries.

"I'm waiting." I said as I took a bite of my cheeseburger.

"I need to leave for Washington for a few days." He looked at me with a guilty expression.

"A few...days?" I stopped eating my burger and put it down on the tray, suddenly losing my appetite.

Hero explained that his mother has depression and would occasionally succumb to panic attacks depending on her surroundings. They have a helper but his mother would feel much more at ease with her children. So usually his brother would make the trip instead since his school is nearer but at times when he is held up, Hero would take his place instead.

"Is this why sometimes you would just take off without saying anything?" I asked, recalling the times when Hero would just leave all of a sudden and only return to us after a couple of days.

He nodded in response.

"So it wasn't a booty call..." I muttered under my breath.


"Nothing." I smiled. "Go do what you need to."


I never really understood how the characters on television felt during those angel and devil bickering scenes. Now, I finally understood that the inner struggle is real.

His mother needs him, I can't possibly stop him from going back to his mother. What kind of a shitty girlfriend will that make me? And not just girlfriend, I think it would make me seem like a shitty person in general. Hero is fulfilling his filial duties as a son and I will not go against my mother-in-law.

Correction. Possible mother-in-law.

On the other hand, I just miss him like crazy. Plus, he seems to be very busy too, since he doesn't text nor respond to my texts. He did, however, call me once at night before he went to bed. At least the last thing he heard was my voice before going to sleep then.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder.


How does this actually work?

Times like this, one really needs good friends. And I'm super thankful that I do.

Cheryl came to sleepover in our room, which she actually does frequently. Not that I am complaining. You know how some couples, whether on purpose or not, make you feel uncomfortable being around them? Cheryl and Nat are not like that. And I hope Hero and I aren't as well.

They've never made me feel left out before. In fact, even with the whole gang, including the boys, I have never once felt out of place.

"I'm sorry that Hero is all I talk about tonight." I pouted as I stared into the ceiling from my bed.

"No worries." Nat assured. "We actually like hearing about it."

"Yeah, we've never thought Hero would actually get himself a girlfriend. So we are naturally curious about your relationship." Cheryl added.

"So I've been kind of wanting to ask...," Cheryl paused for a second before continuing. "Which base are you and Hero currently at?" Her question made me blush.

"Uhm...first." I whispered.

"That's a good sign." Nat told me. Her response took me by surprise.

"Really? Is it not because I'm not attractive so he doesn't feel the urge?" I propped myself up with my elbow on my bed. Thinking about this, I was very tempted to go into one corner of the room and draw myself some emo circles on the floor. Hero could do it with other girls whom he does not have feelings for but he hasn't made a single advancement on his girlfriend.

Is B-cup too small for him?

Not to mention, I'm a B that is leaning towards an A rather than a C.

I sighed and shook my head.

"Of course not!" Nat exclaimed.

"You want to do it with him, don't you?" Cheryl teased as she broke into a grin.

"We understand." Nat nodded.

"We eye rape your boyfriend all the time." Cheryl stated in a casual manner.

"Since last year." Nat added as she turned to look at Cheryl who is nodding in agreement.


It only registered in my head after two full seconds.

"Wait a minute. Hey!"

Nat and Cheryl burst into laughter and calmed themselves down after a while. Then Cheryl suggested that we go shopping tomorrow so that I can buy sexy lingerie to seduce Hero when he returns.

At that moment, it didn't seem like a bad idea.


A/N: Emily!

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