Chapter 27

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"Emily!" Nat called out when she spotted Hero and I exiting the arrival gates. She and Cheryl have been waiting for us. I was looking forward to seeing them again so I rushed towards them and pulled them both into a group hug.

While waiting for Hugh and Toby to arrive, we were chilling in Starbucks and I showed them the photos that I took in Vegas.

"Greet your king now, you commoners!"

Without turning around to see, all of us already knew who that voice belonged to. So we ignored Hugh's existence and only greeted Toby as he pulled an empty chair over to sit down with us.


We spent the night at Cheryl's grandmother's house. Cheryl stopped us from making reservations at a local bed and breakfast place as her grandmother loves company so she wouldn't mind if we crowd her house. But there weren't enough rooms nor beds for all of us, so the guys would have to either sleep on the floor or the couch.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" Hero and Hugh said at the same time.

"NOOOOO..." Hugh groaned and fell to his knees as if he was robbed of his soul.

"The floor is all yours." Hero snickered as he and Toby high fived each other.

"A man should always throw rock. How could you go behind the code and show paper?" Hugh sighed as he shook his head in pretend disappointment.

The final sleeping arrangement was, the girls got the bed, Hero on the couch, Toby with the armchair and Hugh on the floor.


We all woke up bright and early the next day. Cheryl's grandmother was so kind to make toast and scrambled eggs for us for breakfast. As we will be starting the day with mountain biking on Antelope Island, we made sure to eat to our full but was also careful not to overeat, in case we puke later.

Riding the bicycle along the coastlines felt like all my stress and worries got blown away with the breeze. While cycling on the forest trail, we spotted several wildlife species such as antelope and coyotes. Hugh's gopro has made its appearance again to record all the sights and sounds.

The beach definitely has to be on our list during summer. This time, we are headed to Bridger Bay Beach which is on the northern part of Antelope Island.

After taking off their shirts, Hugh and Hero began to flex their arms around each other, trying to make the other party acknowledge that their own arm is the most toned.

"Childish." I sneered as I walked past the both of them.

"You still like me anyway." Hero retorted.

"I've never said aloud." I stopped in my tracks and turned around, exposing a grin.

"Fine. You are my backup plan, just so you know."

"You are the backup of my backup plan."

"You are the backup of the backup of my backup."

"You are the backup of that backup of the other backup of my backup."

Our bickering ensued until Hugh interrupted, "Shut up you both.".

We decided to play beach volleyball and of course, to spice things up even more in this hot season, we cannot do without a bet. Although once the teams have been formed, it wasn't hard to figure out the team with Hugh in it would lose.

As expected, Hugh's hands and legs coordination did not fail us as he brought us a lot of slapstick comedy and also free popsicles for the winning team. We sat in a row, side by side, and watched the sunset while enjoying the frozen snack on a stick.

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