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As Casey, Rainy and I contemplated what to do this summer, I finally had an idea.
"What if we try and make something paranormal?"
"You mean like a ouija board?" Casey asked.
"Yeah. Rainy, your a paranormal expert. Wanna help?" I asked.
Rainy nodded. She's always silent. Either doing something on her phone or have her nose in a book.
"I know someone." Rainy mumbled.
Casey and I looked at her bizarrely.
"How do you think I know everything?"
"Please tell me it's not old man Richard?" Casey pleaded.
"Where do you think I spent most of my time after school?"
Casey moaned.
"Do you guys want my help?
"C'mon Casey, how bad could it be?"
"Fine, we go tomorrow."
Rainy and I nodded in agreement.

The Realmare (completed) Where stories live. Discover now