Day ??????

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I suddenly thought about yesterday. I told Aaron that since we're alone in this big house, I'm gonna give him and Rainy some space. I wanted to give them couple time.
"I wonder if they fucked?" I thought to myself as I slowly sat up. I checked my phone. There was a text from Aaron.
"Hey man, thanks for pushing us together last night. We had a fun time. ; )"

I looked up and suddenly jumped back. "Zion!" I said upon seeing him. His face was completely blank. His eyes were pitch black. He almost looked mad. "Well... glad it's just you, but next time can you give me a warning? I could have been bare ass naked!" He didn't respond. I whistled. "Zion? You good?"
"I do not accept your invitation to go home." He said, the Realmare speaking through him. I stood up.
"That's fine. But... doors always open."

His face suddenly contorted. His eyes shifted back to normal.
"Help me Casey!" He screamed. I was in shock and utter confusion. He twisted back to the Realmare. I sprinted towards him and wrapped my arms around him.
"It's ok Zion! You're gonna be okay. We're gonna go home!" I felt moisture on my shoulder and I thought he was crying. I looked up at him. Blood ran from his black eyes as he stood there, crying. He looked up at me.
"No... You won't win." He drew his left hand up and suddenly, my right hand was up.
"What the fuck?" I exclaimed. "You're making me mirror you?"

He raised his right hand to his left hand and made a sliding motion across it. Pain slid across my wrist as I screamed. I looked up at my wrist, blood poured from my veins. He made me do the same to my opposite hand and I screamed again. Suddenly, my left hand came up to my throat. I struggled against it.
"Fuck off!" I screamed.
"Please Casey," Zion said, twisting back to his face. His eyes filling with tears. "Please don't let me die." He said through his tears. My eyes watered too as I felt the pain slide across my throat. I began coughing and gagging. Blood poured from my mouth as I vomited it up. I was pushed to the back wall, which was a mirror. Glass shattered and fell around me. I felt stunned. My vision blurred with my own blood. I tried to call out for Rainy and Aaron but my mouth was filling up with blood. I couldn't breath. Instead, I banged on the wall, glass getting into my hands. It was too late for them to do anything though.

Aaron and I woke up to the sound of some distant shouting and pounding from across the house. I got up and quickly got dressed, forgetting to put my bra on. I woke Aaron up and he got dressed as well, his shirt only half buttoned before we ran out.
"Which room is Casey in?" Aaron asked.
"You check this side," I said, pointing to the rooms along with ours. "I'll check those ones." Referring to the other side. I checked all of the doors until I came to the fourth and final door. I opened the door and screamed. I heard Aaron rush to my side.

There lay Casey. His body covered in blood, still more leaning out. Zion was on top of him, crying. They looked up at us. I ran to Casey and grabbed his hand. He squeezed mine. Aaron was on the other side.
"I'm sorry..." Zion mumbled. I set my hand on Zion's back gently. He looked up at me, scared. I heard a cough come from Casey's mouth.
"Casey?" I asked.
"911 what your emergency?" I heard a voice ask. I looked over. Aaron had gotten up and walked out of the room as he talked to the person on the phone.
"It's all my fault." Zion kept mumbling. Casey put his hand on Zion's shoulder weakly.
"Go...with...them....they'" Casey spat out weakly. My eyes filled with tears as Casey squeezed our hands and closed his eyes. I grabbed at his wrist. Nothing. I put my fingers on his neck. Nothing. I put my ear to his chest. Nothing. I let the tears fall from my cheeks as Zion sobbed harder. I walked out to Aaron.
"They'll be here soon." He said with his back turned to me. He turned around, seeing my tear-stricken face. His eyes widened in horror.
"No!" He shouted.
"I'm... I'm..." we turned. Zion was trying to mumble something from the threshold of the room Casey had died in. He looked utterly terrified. I walked over and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug.
"Get you're fucking hands off my girlfriend. Now." Aaron pronounces every word slowly, conveying his anger. Zion backed away from me, hyperventilating.
"Aaron," I said. He snapped his head over to me. He had the look of a man who was ready to kill someone. I wasn't able to get any other words out.
"You killed him!" Aaron shouted. Zion looked at him angrily.
"You think this is my fault!" He yelled.
"AARON!" I shouted. Both men turned to me, startled. "Zion is scared! It's not his fault! You know what he said. He's a shell to the Realmare. It's host." I turned to Zion. "Zion, Aaron is pissed. Casey was his best friend! They did everything together. The Realmare just killed him. Aaron is scared as well." Zion went back to crying.
"I'm sorry!" He kept repeating. He put his head in his hands and backed away. He looked at me. His eyes rolled into his head. They suddenly became pitch black. He screamed. It was a high pitch shrill. Aaron and I both covered our ears. He was enveloped in the shadows. Along his arms, shadows wrapped around him. He stretched out a shadow arm that pinned me to the wall, choking me.
"And to think," he said, the Realmare taking over. "He was going to be an uncle." I saw Aaron charge and scream. I looked over. He charged at The Realmare and tackled it to the ground. I dropped to my knees, coughing and gasping. The two of them wrestled for a moment, Aaron threw punches and tried to kick but the Realmare threw him to the ground. He ran to me and touched my forehead. "Sleep." He commanded as I collapsed to the floor.

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