Mini episode

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I was standing on the beach. It was the one where we found out about Casey cutting himself. I was completely alone.
"Aaron? Casey?" I shouted. No answer.

I fell to my knees. My shoulders began shaking and my face suddenly became wet with tears. I realized I was crying.
"They're all gone!" I thought to myself. "Everyone."

Suddenly, I felt the ground beneath me begin to shake. The sand moved. I realized that I was sinking into a whole, of which the sand was as well. I began to panic. Suddenly, the ground beneath me completely disappeared. I began to fall. I fell, I realized, without anyone knowing I'm gone. Nobody will care.

I sobbed and screamed as I feel deeper into what felt like a bottomless abyss. Suddenly, two white, blank dots stared at me. Eyes. I thought. Those are eyes staring at me. As I observed them, I realized that they weren't normal eyes. Sure, they did have the proper shape, but not only are they purely white, their dead. Those are dead eyes. The eyes of someone who was dead were staring at me. I felt scared, longing for the comfort of another human. Suddenly, as I stared at the dead eyes, I felt an immense pain in my back as I hit the bottom.

I sprang up from the bed. I screamed as I woke up, still having the image of the dead eyes in my head. I was panting for breath. I thought I might be dreaming again as there was still darkness around me. Then, I remembered where I was. I remembered the hotel room. Remembering the event that brought us here, I began to cry. Tears flowed from my eyes, real tears this time. Suddenly, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Rainy?" It was Aaron. I looked up at him. I was not sure what time I had fallen asleep, but after doing so, it seems that Aaron changed his clothes. His leather jacket and ripped jeans were replaced with a plain white shirt with flannel long sleeve pants. His face was contorted with worry. His silver eyes were glassy. I realized that he too was on the verge of crying. I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug and buried my head in his chest, embarrassed. He wrapped his arms around me gently as I felt him kiss the top of my head.
"Nightmare?" He asked.
"Yeah..." I mumbled.
I looked up at him, flushed with embarrassment at my sudden realization.
"Can you drive me somewhere?"
He looked down at his phone. I saw his lock screen, us at the doctors after his surgery. I remembered that day with a sudden smile.
"Babe... it's 2 in the morning." He said, rubbing his eyes. I blushed at the nickname.
"It's... a... p-private e-e-emerg-g-gency." I looked at the ground. He let out a long "Oooh!" and I knew he understood.
"Wanna stop at the gas station on the way back? Maybe grab a few snacks?" He asked. I nodded.

I got back in the car and set the bag on the floor of the passengers side. The car started. As we drove towards the gas station, I felt tension rise between Aaron and I.
"What's wrong?" I finally asked.
"I've just got some stuff on my mind." He replied flatly. His voice was hoarse and dry.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"You'd think I'm crazy."
"It can't be that bad."
"... I'm scared..." he said after a long pause.
"Of what?"
"I've been... hallucinating..." it sounded like a question.
"About what?"
"It's not a specific thing. When... when the police were at my moms house..." he explained. He went on a rant. He told me about how he had seen Peter with a gunshot wound. Half of his face had been blown off! And Kurt... he just stood there, smiling... It was a disturbing image. Then... the little boy in the shower... I couldn't bare to think that he had suffered these thoughts.
"What's wrong with me?" He ended.
"Nothing..." I responded.
"Then... how do you explain those things...?"
"Maybe you're just not in the right state of mind? Maybe you just need a few days to calm your mind?" He nodded in response.
"I..." I started. "I went to Mr. Richards yesterday." I blurted after a long pause. He looked at me. His brow crinkled in confusion. He wanted to ask me. "Why?" I could hear him asking. "Why would you do that? You want to go to old man Richards? You think he can explain this shit?"
"I thought... maybe I could find some information about the Realmare." I froze, preparing for him to yell. He didn't. He silently stared at me. His brow eased and I could tell he knew what I was thinking. "I want to see... if I could find anything out about your mother's death... I'm... I'm sorry." My eyes began to well up with tears.
"Why are you sorry?" He suddenly asked. "You did nothing wrong. You were just curious."
"You aren't mad?"
"Why would I be mad?"
"I didn't think you would want me doing this sort of thing... especially since it was just yesterday." He shook his head.
"It's fine... did he find something?"
"He's going to do a translation of the curse and let me know once he has completed it."

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