Day 2

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I was upset. I wanted to help Rainy as best I could.

"Hey mom." I said as I walked out to the kitchen.
"Hey Aaron." She said.
"Can I invite Casey and Rainy over?"
She looked at the time. It was 7:45. We had already eaten dinner and she was watching tv.
"Sure, as long as their family is alright with it."
"Mom... I think Rainy is going through something. I don't know how to help her."
"Hmm.. you invite your friends over, I'll get snacks, and you guys can have a sleepover. I can talk to her, woman to woman, and we can help her."
"You would let me have a sleepover with a girl?"
"So long as you sleep in separate rooms."
I smiled. "Thanks mom."
She nodded.

"Hey Casey!" I said as he picked up the phone.
"It's 8 at night. This better be good."
"It's about Rainy."
"What's your plan?"
"I'm gonna send you her address. We're gonna meet up at her place and sneak her out. Then we're gonna get her to my place and we're gonna have a sleepover."
"We're gonna get in so much trouble."
"I know."
"I'll pack a bag."

I saw Casey as I approached the side of Rainy's house. He had a backpack on.
"Bout time!" He said when he saw me.
"Sorry, I ran as fast as I could."
"Unimportant. How are we gonna get her attention?" He asked.

Rainy had a two story house and her room was on the top floor. I looked around for something I could throw. I finally found a stone. It was small, but it would do.
"Wait!" Casey said as I was about to throw it. "How do we know that's her window?"
"Lucky guess."
I didn't wait for any further questions. I chucked the rock at the window. It hit with a loud *CLANG*.

The window opened. Rainy popped her head out. "What are you guys doing here?" She yell whispered.
"We're gonna sneak you out!" Casey said.
"Yeah! Pack some clothes and get out here." I said.
"Sneak me out?" She asked, stunned. "How am I supposed to get out? My parents are in the living room."
"Jump our the window." I suggested.
Her eyes widened in shock.
"If I break my leg and get in trouble, it's your guys's fault."
"Deal!" I said. Casey nodded.

The window closed. Casey and I waited for Rainy to come down. It felt like hours until the window opened again. A backpack fell to the ground and Casey yelped in shock.
"Okay," she mumbled. "I'm gonna jump."
"I'll catch you!" I affirmed her.

She jumped. Her long hair flowed through the air as she landed in my arms. As she fell into me, I toppled to the ground with her on top of me. I looked up as my face blushed. A tingly sensation flowed through my body.
"You okay?" I asked quietly.
She nodded. We saw a light turn on.
"Alright love birds," Casey said. "Run!"
We ran to my place, not looking back.


After running for what felt like an eternity, Rainy, Casey and I finally made it to my place.

"You wanna tell me why we're here?" She asked. I sat down on the couch, catching my breath.
"Look Rainy, we know that something is going on." I admitted.
Casey hugged her tightly. "We will never let you go until you tell us what's wrong!"
"That's what this is about? You're still going on about that?"
"We're concerned!" I exclaimed. The tone in my voice was almost scary. I was pissed off. Never since I've known them, have I been this mad.
"I'm sorry!" She said quickly, feeling bad for making me upset, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. I told her that it was fine.
"We just want to know what's going on."
Suddenly, I heard a garage door open. "I'm home!" A young, female voice exclaimed.
"We're in here mom!" I shouted. My mother came walking from around the corner. She looked young but was really she was 43. She had a blond bob-cut hairstyle. Her bright blue eyes were very prominent on her face. They looked like two oceans along a coastline. She had no wrinkles or bags under her eyes, which is surprising for all the shit she's felt with. She wore a light blue blouse dotted with white flowers and sweatpants. She looked nothing like me.

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