Day ?????

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NSFW WARNING!!! Warning, this episode contains a very nsfw scene between two characters, I'm warning you now so that you don't report me or get mad in the comments!

We didn't see Zion the whole day. I was beyond pissed at Aaron. Zion was scared. He had been taken from his mom when he was 10. He was now 26 and hadn't seen her sense. The things he missed out on because of this... creature, I can't even begin to imagine. "At least," I thought as I went down stairs. "At least I didn't have any nightmares." As I went into the kitchen, I saw Aaron waiting by the door. He looked upset.
"I know you're mad."
"What do you want?" I asked, sharply.
"Grocery store." He said, simply. We had agreed that my card would be used for groceries and his for paying for our phones. There was no electricity at Mr. Richards house besides the fridge. "After I bring the groceries home, I'm gonna get out of your sight for the day."
I looked at him in shock. He had never told me those words. He never wanted to leave my side. He was like a lost puppy.
"Go to the store then come back. I..." his eyes peeked up in interest. "I'm sorry. I need you here." He walked up to me.
"What's the magic word?" He whispered in my ear. That sent a tingle through my body. I wasn't sure why, but I loved the way he talked like that.
"Please?" I asked, not knowing if I was correct. He nodded, kissing me on the forehead. I grabbed the card from my bag upstairs, careful not to wake Casey. He thanked me and walked out the door, but not before grabbing my ass. My eyes widened and I grabbed at his shirt. I thought of the gas station. Oh how I wanted more of that. He laughed in return, winked, and walked out the door.

As we sat around the table, eating the pancakes that Casey had made, Aaron suddenly spoke up.
"So... are we just gonna... live with a man possessed by a demon who can't even take care of himself? I mean... don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have a problem with it, just making sure we're all on board."
"Aaron," Casey began, sitting down with his plate. "I'm underage. I can't move out for a while. Even if... my parents have no clue where I am."
"What about your sisters?" Aaron asked.
"I've been keeping in touch with them. They... they went to a foster home. I promised I'd visit them once I get back. I'm not leaving... I just want to make sure they're okay."
"Wait," I said. "What are you saying?"
"I'm running away, but not before seeing my sisters." Casey said. We all nodded in agreement. Aaron promised to personally drive Casey himself.
"I don't have a problem with it." I said. "I want to help Zion."
"That's so like you." Casey said.
"You still mad at me?" Aaron asked, almost cautiously.
"No... I understand why you're mad at him. But can you try to take in his words?" He nodded and kissed my hand.
"I've never seen Rainy yell like that." Casey said.
"Yeah!" Aaron agreed. "That has was fucking scary as hell. Especially since I'm so much bigger than you. But... I like the confidence in you." I stared at him quizzically. "You've always been such a shy person. Seeing you like that... you seemed so confident, so... willing to say what's on your mind." I smiled.

Nothing more happened until night.

As I sat in the master bedroom, I thought about Aaron. I had begun imaging him in different scenarios. Right now, he was shirtless. Of course, I'd already seen him shirtless when we went to the beach, but this felt different. He was shirtless, in a grand master bedroom. His arms held me tightly, I could feel how hard he was. I knew I wanted him in that way, I just didn't know how to ask. But... Aaron was right, I was gaining more confidence. I planned on using it. Suddenly, I hear the door open and Aaron yell at Casey.
"Why!" He kept shouting. He was being pushed in by Casey. Suddenly, Casey slammed the door and we heard a click as he walked away.
"Did he just lock us in?" I asked.
"Yeah... you wanna take a guess as to why?"

I paused for a moment before answering.
"Because we haven't had enough alone time together as a couple?" He tilted his head in confusion.
"You really think that?" He asked.
"Yeah... I mean... think about it? Besides the gas station at 2 am, have we ever had alone time? Just you and me, I mean. Have you and I ever just sat down and snuggled, besides when I had nightmare and you held me before I fell back asleep? Have we ever had time to... do it?" Those last words came out a little quieter than the others. Aaron's eyes widened.
"You've been thinking about that sort of stuff?" He asked. True, I never was the type that talked about sex. I nearly vomited during health class but that's because we were looking at the body in a scientific way, not a romantic way. This was romance, it wasn't gross or disturbing, it was beautiful.
"Yeah... I have." He smiled.
"Well..." he started, walking over to me. "Don't mind if I do."

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