Day 4

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TRIGGER WARNING!!! This episode contains a very disturbing scene! Proceed with caution!

I woke up to the sound of screams. I shot up. Casey and I glared at each other. We hurried out of our tent and over to Rainy's tent.
"Rainy!" I said "are you alright?"
She did not reply. Instead, she opened her tent. We both came in. She was sitting down and we sat in front of her. She was shaking. She was not looking at us. She chose to focus on a section of the ground. Her eyes were wide and filled with tears. She was scared.
"Rainy," I said. "What happened?"
"N-N-Nightmare..." she mumbled.
"You had a nightmare?" Casey asked.
She nodded. I scooter closer to her and put my arm around her. I gently kissed the top of her head. She looked up at me, her face red with blush, tears rolling down her eyes. I wiped them away.
"It's okay," I told her. "You're safe."
I looked at Casey. He was looking in another direction.
"Do you guys wanna head home?" I asked.
"Shouldn't we finish off a few more s'mores?" Casey asked.
We agreed. We came out of the tent and lit the fire again. Rainy, Casey and I sat at the fire, making and eating s'mores.
"I forgot to ask," Rainy said, after finishing her first s'more. "What... nationality... is your dad?"
Casey and I looked at each other.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well... your mom has white skin..." she started.
"Oh!" I interrupted her. "My dad is black. The only thing I didn't obtain from him is his curly hair."
"And the silver eyes?" She asked.
"Oh... forgot... maternal grandma, " I explained. "You can bet my parents were confused when I was born. A black child with silver eyes? That's just never been seen."
"That's crazy!" Rainy said.
"That's Aaron." Casey said.

We had gathered everything up and began walking home. We got to the back door. Upon trying to open it, the door wouldn't budge.
"Locked?" Casey asked.
"Not sure how," I said. "Mom said she'd leave it unlocked for us."
"Why would she do that?" Casey asked.
"So that we could get back in." I explained.
"But that's extremely dangerous." Casey said.
"Look around," I said. "Have you ever seen anyone, besides us, around here?"
"No..." Casey admitted.
"Exactly!" I said. "No neighbors, no people near big bustling cities, it's safe."
"Still..." Casey said.
"Still nothing," I said, fishing my spare key out of my pocket. "You two take this key. Try the front door. I'm gonna call my mom."
I handed them the little golden key. Rainy took it and they headed towards the front door.
Meanwhile, I tried to call mom. It rang for what felt like forever. Finally, I got her voicemail. I didn't bother leaving a message.
After a moment, I heard my phone buzz.
"We're in. Any luck?" It was from Rainy. I looked up. They were heading towards the back door.
After a moment, they unlocked the door. I stepped inside.
"No luck?" Rainy asked.
"Voicemail." I said.
"Does she work today?" Rainy asked.
"Yeah, she goes to work at nine." I explained.
I looked down at my phone. It read 8:15.
"She would be leaving in 15 minutes." I said.
"Maybe she was in the restroom." Casey said.
"Maybe she's getting ready." Rainy said.
"I don't know," I said. "it's unlike my mom to not answer her phone, especially if I'm calling. Something feels off."
"Let's split up." Casey suggested.
Rainy's face went pale.
"That's never a good idea." She said.
"Rainy," I said, cupping her face in my hands. "We're not in a haunted house. There's nothing bad or scary here. We're fine." She nodded.
We all split up. Casey took the front of the house. Rainy and I took the back. I decided to look in my room and the spare room. Rainy took the bathroom and my moms room.

————————-disturbing scene incoming—————

As I stepped into my room, I heard Rainy scream. I rushed through the hallway, nearly slamming into Casey. Right as I got there, Rainy shut the door.
"What happened?" I asked. Her face was even paler than before. Her eyes were wide and her body was shaking. I thought to this morning when she had her nightmare. Her breathing was heavy.
"Don't..." she gasped. "Don't go in there Aaron!"
"Why? What's wrong?" I asked.
"You don't wanna know." She said.
"Rainy," Casey started. "Aaron's seen a lot. I'm sure he can handle what's in there."
She shook her head and refused to budge. Lucky for me, she was rather small. I walked over and picked her up. She squirmed in my grasp, kicking me.
"Get the door Casey!" I shouted.
Without reply, Casey opened the door. I set her down and we rushed in.
I could not believe what I was seeing.
I looked up. Hanging from the ceiling fan was my moms dead body. Her skin was pale, in contrast to the slight tan she had. Her jaw was unhinged, it looked broken. The worst thing was her eyes, more accurately, her lack of. Instead of seeing her usual blue eyes, there were just empty sockets, blood surrounding them. There were deep scratches along her body. There was a pile of blood on the floor. Casey said something but I wasn't sure what. I felt him rush past me. Blood rushes to my ears. My vision became blurry. I couldn't afford to cry. Not again. Not after what happened yesterday.

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