Day ??

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I woke up startled. As soon as I woke up, my body had sprung up. I was panting heavily. I got out of bed. I was drenched in sweat. My whole body was shaking. I walked out of my room and went to find the boys. They were in the shop part of the house.
"I didn't hear you scream." Aaron said upon my arrival.
"Good morning to you too." I said, sarcastically. "Did you too find out anything interesting?" I noticed that Casey had been scrolling through something on his phone.
"Casey's been doing all the research. Did you have another nightmare?" Aaron asked.
"Yeah... but I only remember a few fragments that are starting to fade."
"Maybe your body is forcing them out of your memory?" I shrugged.
"Do we have any coffee?" I asked. Aaron shook his head. "Is Casey gonna tell us what he's been researching?"
"Stuff on the Realmare, of course." I went over and sat on the chair next to Aaron. He gently grabbed my hand.
"Okay," Casey said after a brief pause. We both looked at him in anticipation. "I found a few articles on the Realmare. It's all on the same story though."
"Wait a minute," I interrupted. "Story?"
"Not the type of story you're thinking of," Casey said. "I mean a story that would be on the news, not a fairy tale." He grabbed a piece of paper that had a bunch of notes scribbled on it. He began reading from them. "So, from what I gathered, the Realmare is an ancient God. It's from a very small and unknown pantheon called Houjaka."
"Wait a minute," I interrupted again. "Wasn't that book we got called a Houja?"
"I'm so glad you brought that up." Casey said with a smile on his face. "Apparently, there was a race of people called the Nika's. Their pantheon was called Houjaka. Apparently, to them it meant 'The Worshipped'. They decided to write all of these 'Worshipped' down in Houja's. There are only a small handful of them. Apparently, the Realmare was one of the leaders, kinda like Zeus."
"Great," Aaron said. "We're dealing with an incredibly powerful God... fuck!"
"Is that all you found?" I asked.
"No," Casey began. "Their race, the Nika's, was one of the most ancient races. Some of their books even predate cave people. But, their stuff is so much more advanced."
"Do you know where they're from?" Aaron asked.
"No. No article talks about where."
"You found out all of this from a few news articles?" I asked.
"No," Casey replied. "I found this out from a link that one of the articles posted. It's on some creepy dark web type thing."
"Oh gosh!" Aaron exclaimed, throwing his arms up and leaning back in his chair. "You better not get us into some government shit. I swear if the fbi comes through that door, it's your ass!"
"Anyway!" I tried to change the subject. "What did the news articles say?"
"They were reports on this incident that happened 16 years ago. According to my research, the Realmare took over this kid, Zion Beckens. It just... possessed him. He was 10 when this happened. Apparently he just disappeared one day.The mother can neither confirm nor deny if he's alive."
"Do you think she might know a thing or two about the Realmare?" Aaron asked.
"She has to." Casey returned.
"Wait..." I interrupted. "We're just gonna go to some lady's house and ask her about her missing son?"
"Rainy," Casey started. "We need answers on this thing. She is our only hope unless you have a better idea." I didn't. I had no idea how to defeat something like the Realmare. I admitted that to them.
"But..." I said. "We don't even know her address."
"She lives just up north from here." Casey stated. "I don't know the exact location. If I can contact the people who wrote this article, do you two think you can get a few days off from work?" We nodded.

After a few hours of contacting the authors of the articles and Aaron and I calling our bosses to say that we need a few days off, we all decided to leave in the morning. Until then, we are ramen, packed up some clothes, and decided to go to bed a little early. We had a long day tomorrow.

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