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I prepared the house for the kids to arrive home with Zion any minute. There were cookies and cocoa ready for them. They're rooms were prepared. There were even presents. I sat down on the couch and put on the news.
"Breaking news." A lady with red hair and a green sweater said. "Four people have been found dead in Pennsylvania. One girl and three boys." My stomach dropped. "It seemed like they went up there for a Christmas party but things went horribly wrong. What we are about to show you is extremely disturbing. You have been warned." They showed Casey first. His throat and wrists had been slit and he was drenched in blood. He was laying against a wall of broken glass. The floor was covered in blood. Rainy was next. She had fallen off of the railing and died on impact. Her body lay distorted on the ground below. Aaron was the next one shown. He had fallen down the stairs and snapped his neck. His eyes still lay open. His body was sprawled out at the base of the stairs. Finally, they showed Zion. He had what police identified as a poker from the fireplace through his chest. He lay limp on the second floor.

The police determined that they had all committed suicide, but they were still trying to find out why. I knew better than to trust them. Those kids had died at the hands of the Realmare, the same being that took my son. I let out a shrill cry when I saw that they were all gone. None of them were coming back.

"Aww... is your family not home for Christmas?" I turned around. The Realmare stood in front of me in the form of my dead son.

It's done! The story is done! This is the last episode of The Realmare! Thank you all for reading this story! I appreciate all of you who enjoyed it! Thank you all for your kind words and motivation as I wrote this story over the past few months. I love each and every one of you! This is the first story that I completed and put out for everyone to read. I wrote a story but idk if that will ever be out anywhere. I'm so glad to have the Realmare out there for everyone to read. Have a great day and a great Halloween! Stay spooky!

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