Day ????

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"I fucking hate planes" I thought as we flew over to Pennsylvania. Casey was asleep on the left side of the aisle. Rainy was asleep at the window seat on my right. It was dark outside. She had stayed up talking to me about all of the things we had talked about with Ms. Beckens. But she had talked herself to sleep.

I looked over towards the curtain that led to the cockpit and nearly jumped out of my chair. There, near the entryway to the cockpit, was a fucking zombie. Well, to be fair, zombie-esc. It was a tall human with snarled blond hair. It's eyes were nonexistent. There were only holes. Two gaping holes were laying in the place of those...things eyes. It's lower jaw was bent to the right. The creature looked like a drowned body. It's face was a pale green and it was wrinkled. It had on a dark blue v-neck and long pants. I was unable to make out what type. My eyes widened in horror as blood spilled from its mouth. I had to suppress a scream. I got up from my seat in an instant. "Why did it have to be zombies?" I thought. "It's gonna be Christmas Eve tomorrow. Why couldn't I see a decrepit Santa and Rudolf. I hate zombies. I hate seeing them when they're out of season."

"Excuse me, sir," I heard a young woman say. I turned around to find one of the workers aboard the plane. She was short. She had long red hair and bright, big green eyes. She had on a similar outfit to that of her coworkers. "Is everything alright?" She asked.
I smiled at her. "Everything is fine. I just don't fly to often so... my nerves are a little rattled." She nodded. "You know, some people who are scared to be on planes order alcohol. Would you like to try that?"
"I'm underage." My mouth spoke before my brain could register what the question had even been.
Her eyes widened. "How old are you?" I thought about when Rainy, Casey and I were in my bathroom and thought about lying about our ages to the police. I couldn't remember how old she wanted me to be but I couldn't be less that 18.
"Twenty," I responded. She nodded. "I'll be 21 next month. Now... if you excuse me, I have to use the restroom." I walked to the bathroom, locked the door. I realized I actually did have to go. I took a piss and washed my hands. I didn't want to go back out there. Not yet. I decided to put the toilet lid down and sit on it. I put my hands in my face, stressing over what I saw.

To say that the house was big was an understatement. It wasn't a mansion but it was no average house. We walked in and were utterly stunned at the interior. To the left was a spacious looking kitchen, a bathroom and a set of stairs. To the right was a living room, office, and another set of stairs. We hadn't even gotten upstairs yet.
"Damn." Casey said. "Zion definitely seemed spoiled."
"Well..." I began. "Better than living in the shitty place I did for five years." I was still in shock that I was related to a kid that is basically possessed by a demon that is trying to torture and kill us.

We decided to venture forth upstairs. On the left were two rooms separated by a fireplace. On the right were four rooms. All of the doors were closed. On the back wall was a big Jesus tapestry. He had his arms extended out. He had white robes, a glowing golden heart where his would be. At the bottom, the words "Sins Washed White" were spelled out in bold lettering. There were two nightstands in each side of the tapestry, both of them had Jesus statues. I looked in the opposite direction of the Jesus tapestry. There was glass. Pure glass showed us the snowy outside world. We had seen a few houses scattered here and there as we drove to this house. I could not see any houses in the window which lit the room.

We went to the first two rooms on the left. Both were bedroom. There was nothing in either of them. On the right however, was another story. The first room we opened looked like a study. There were two desks, both barren of any papers. There was a bookshelf with no books. Nothing else was in that room. The second room was a bathroom. The third was a bedroom with one small bed and a blanket on it. There was nothing else. The fourth room was the master bedroom. Bathroom and all, it somehow had a big bed, an ottoman in front, and, what we hoped was, a working bathroom.

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