A thank you.

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Some of you may have already seen this on the discord server, but I'd still like to share this.

You know before I joined the fandom, before this whole quarantine started, I used to think that I had a happy and full life. I used to be so cautious, stuck in my comfort zone with no exit in sight. I had a barrier, I was both somebody and a nobody at the same time. Every thing I did was done as though I was treading on eggshells, being so careful that I wouldn't even take the risk of looking in the other direction. Sure, I had my spurs of spontaneous energy where I would do something that was slightly less restricting to my comfort zone, yet I'd still somehow get it to backfire on me.

Both my past and future life looked so dull. I had planned out a potential medical life for myself, from high school courses and universities all the way to the exact calculation of how much money it would cost overall throughout the years. To be a general surgeon or a orthopedic surgeon? Cardio or Peds? Neuro or Trama? I had it planned out so specifically that I had set the exact age of when I should be out of uni and into my first year of residency.

Although that planning didn't go to waste, the hype died down after a few months, me having discovered my liking towards Minecraft again and finding Grian's first episode for s7 in my youtube recommended. Curiousity got the better of me and I clicked on the video, thus beginning the obession of what might be a huge part of my teenage years, and possibly more.

That video led to me checking out who Mumbo was, which then made me think, "What if people actually shipped Grian and Mumbo? Nah, I bet there's only like five stories on wattpad." Little did I know that there would be hundreds of results when I searched it up. I swore to myself that I wouldn't be dragged in to yet another fandom, having been in the voltron fandom beforehand and wanted to take a break from hugw, probably overwhelming, fandoms. Three Grumbo one shot collections later and I've grown attached. I later found ATUS on ao3, the story taking my newfound obession even further.  I read Ariyaquila's 'The Watcher's Downfall' and the sequel, fueling myself with the idea of myself writing some oneshots.

On May 16, I found myself on the HermittpadRecap account, absolutely amazed with all the amazing writers and people in the Hermitcraft wattpad community. I scrolled through the bio, found the discord invite, and joined the server.

When I first joined the server, heck even the fandom, I thought that I would be one of the nobodies, lurking in the shadows. Not contributing to any conversation, or anything at all.

A few days later after I joined, a game of truth or dare was happening and I was involved, along with my trusty llama profile picture. I used to go by Winoshima, a take on my real name mixed with the name of the dolphin in Gravity Falls, however no one knew who I was because I never interacted with any of the people participating.

Smutler was asked "Who is your least favourite person here" and they replied with "uhh llama because I don't know you at all, no offense dude." From that moment foreward, I was then known as Llama, initiating my now online alias. Such a moving story, I know I know *sniff*

What I'm trying to say is that the Hermittpad community means so much to me. Without it, I wouldn't be who I am right now, today at this very moment. I wouldn't have been able to meet so many amazing and wonderful people. I wouldn't have had the chance to be able to truly open my eyes to see the beauty of life, the reasons of why we should love and cherish what we have now, not what we might have in the future. I will be forever grateful for the community, as it has made me into a much stronger person than I was before.

You guys mean so much more to me than just another community I'm in. I consider this community my home away from home, my second family.

I know that when the time comes, it'll be so hard to let go. It'll be so hard to leave behind the relationships and memories that I've made throughout the weeks I've been here.

I hope you guys know how much you mean to me. Sure, we're just random strangers on the internet who just happens to have the same interest, but that doesn't mean that I won't care for you or worry about you for all the days to come.

I just wanted to say thank you guys, as cheesy as this may be, but thank you. Thank you guys for being there when I had no where to run to.

Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you <3


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