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The morning after all of that happened, I woke up to get an urgent call from B. "B, is everything okay?". She told me to meet her outside Archie's so that we could walk to school but I think this is important. I literally just poked Archie and said "I'm leaving now!". I quickly got some clothes and just headed outside to see B waiting on the front porch, looking like she had no sleep. I tapped her on the shoulder and she just jumped into my arms. " Betty? What's happened?".

"I need to tell you something, Lila, but you can't tell anyone else. Not Archie, not Jughead not your dad, no one. Promise me," She said as she kept looking over her shoulder while we walked to school.

"Yeah, sure. I promise.". "The Black Hood called me-". "-What?". I just couldn't believe it like I started shaking. "Keep walking.". "Wait, the Black Hood called you and it was actually him and not some cheap knock off.". "Yes. It's risky for me to even be telling you. But we're best friends plus us walking to school together, would look perfectly normal to anyone who might be watching. Including him.". "Do you think he's watching us?". "I don't know, he could be. I know it sounds crazy, but it was him.". "Betty, you have to tell the police. Even if it's not him, you need to tell someone I mean... What if something happens to you? What if he kills me or everyone?". I wasn't trying to scare her but she needed to think, why the hell did she tell me instead of the police? "It is him. And he told me if I went to the police, or if I told Jughead, he'd... God, he knows where Polly is, Arch. If he calls me again, I have to answer. Lila, I'm sorry I dragged you into this. He didn't say anything about you and I figured we could solve this together.". "Of course we're going to solve this together... I'm not letting you go through this alone," She gave me a little smile to try and comfort me but it really didn't do anything. I have a million thoughts in my head but the only one that's clear is the one telling me to move away with mum.

 After school ended, I went to meet Jug and the serpents as I basically told him everything about what happened last night. As soon as I walked in, Toni hugged me and made sure I was okay. "Anything you wanna say to me boys?". Fangs and Sweetpea stepped forward as the others followed behind. "Lila, we just wanted to say-". "Let me guess, sorry for putting your friend in the hospital and putting you in an uncomfortable position? What the hell were you guys thinking? You guys honestly thought it was okay to start a fight and someone in hospital?" I said, interrupting Fangs as I just couldn't deal right now. Last night was horrible and terrifying. "Lila, its my fault. I just... We just couldn't stand the fact that a northsider came onto our turf basically trying to start a war," Sweetpea said. "He was scared! That northsider is my boyfriend and he nearly had to watch his dad and I almost die! How would you guys feel if you had to watch the one you love die in front of your eyes and there was nothing you could do about it? I know you're better than this Sweetpea, I know all of you are better than this and that's why I'm so disappointed in you guys.". They all looked at me, knowing I was right because us Serpents are supposed to prove people wrong and do better but they didn't and that puts us in a bad light. "She's right guys, we're supposed to keep the peace so let me talk to Archie. Let me figure this out. Okay?" Jug tried to reason with them but they wanted more. "Man, that's your answer for everything. Talk and more talk. And we don't even know who you stand with. Same goes for you too Lila, Us? Or them? You can't be half a Serpent.". That's great, my sweet boyfriend has gone and started World War 3. "Northside has been dumping on us for years. Both your dads tried to keep the peace, avoid bloodshed. Lila, your dad then left to start a family and now FP is gone.idiots like Sweet Pea think there's only one path and one solution. Violence," Toni pointed out. "I'm over being half a Serpent.". "Wow. You will do anything to protect your Northside buddies.". "My father was a Serpent. He led you. I wanna stand with you guys. Tall Boy was the one who gave me this jacket. It's finally time I start wearing it.". "So, now you wanna be a Serpent, huh? Let's see if you survive the initiation first," Sweetpea was definitely going to make this difficult for Jug but he can handle anything hopefully. I already did my initiation but I never got the Serpent tattoo because of my mum so it wasn't official like my dad but I guess I need to get the final step done.

"Lilac, can I talk to you outside?" Fangs said as he dragged me outside away from everyone. "What's going on?". "It's about Sweetpea... There's something you should know.". Fangs started to whisper in my ear and like a crazy person but once he finished... All I could say or even get out was "Huh?".

Just want to say thank you to the people who are still reading my story, I just wanted to thank you for being patient as I know I haven't posted in awhile due to personal problems but I will start becoming active again my lovelys. 

My Forever // Sequel to SweetheartsWhere stories live. Discover now