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I couldn't believe what I had heard... Fangs was worrying me and I needed to talk to Sweetpea before the initiation started but I got a call from B and I quickly answered. "Hey B, I can't really talk right now-". "It's the black hood. He... Wants me to do something Lila," B said as she explained everything to me as I saw everyone continue with the initiation but I couldn't help but worry about Jug. "Oh my god! Well, we can't exactly be surprised, your mum has a tendency where she likes to how do I word it? Piss people off," I chuckled, knowing she was smiling on the other end. "I can't do what he's telling me, it will destroy my mum. What do I do L?". "If you think about it, maybe he's trying to test your loyalty to him B and besides maybe she deserves a taste of her own medicine. All she does is go after everyone in this town.". " It would blindside her. We can't publish it. I just can't.". "Then you've got no choice but to keep him occupied for the time being. Next time he calls, just stall until we have something solid but till then, just stay calm and act like everything normal Betty," I said to put her at ease as we chatted a bit more before I hung up and checked on the others. Jug seemed fine as he just stuck with looking after hot dog but trust me, I had to look after him and boy is he a piece of work! I pulled Sweet Pea aside so I can get to the bottom of what is going on with him. "Lila, what the hell-". "-No what's wrong with you? You were really plannin' on making the initiation hell for Jug?". "I forgot Fangs is more loyal to you.". "Seriously? That's what you have to say? What's wrong with you lately?". "I don't know why don't you ask your northside boyfriend?". Is he serious? "What the hell? I really thought you grew up but you're still acting the same six-year-old who stole my princess tiara and wouldn't give it back to me!". "It's not my fault that you're a traitor," He said, trying to be the big alpha. Boy, if you don't get the hell out of my face... "First of all, stop acting like you're some kind of alpha, and secondly, where were you when my parents were divorcing or when I nearly died twice? He was there for all of it when I needed him and I had no one else so don't you ever call me a traitor. At least I protect my people, I would never put them in danger or start a war as you did so watch yourself or I'll put you back in your place!". I walked away from him, needing a break from everyone. I just went a little walk while blasting music in my ears. I know Sweet Pea cares but Archie really has been there for me but lately, things are just feeling different. I texted the one person I wanted to see more than ever. I knocked on their door as they opened it, I saw the smile on their face. "Lila? Aww sweetie, what are you doing here?". "I missed my gay husband and honestly, there's nowhere I'd rather be than here with you Kev," He pulled me in for a hug then both went up to his room and I just jumped on his bed. "God it feels like its been forever since the two of us hung out. What's been going on Lilac.". "Honestly, I just feel kinda lost. We're teenagers and we should have fun, go on double dates and get in trouble for sneaking out or get drunk but no, instead we have to deal with serpents, crazy boyfriends, and the black hood. Life just doesn't feel safe anymore Kev and I don't know how we went from worrying about the new girl at the school to basically life or death," Kev gave me the biggest hug. "Lila after everything you've been through, it's okay to cry and get it out. It hasn't been easy at all but I hope you know how much we all love and appreciate everything you do for us all. You're the glue that holds this group together but its okay to feel tired but I'll be here to give you strength, girl," I just rested my head on his shoulder and cried for a minute or two before shaking myself out of it. "Let's just watch our chick-flick movies all night long honey," We both got comfortable and started watching Magic Mike of course then some musicals before we realized it was morning and we had school ugh! I walked with Kev to school then I saw B and spoke to her as she told me that I was right and she published the article. "Honestly, it had to happen sooner or later but I'm so proud of you," B gave me a big hug then Veronica came towards us with Archie and a familiar face and they both just looked happy. I just took a deep breath and let it go. "Lila?". "St. Clair? What are you doing here?," I said as he gave me a hug but I pushed him off. "Really, you're still going to be like this? When will you let it go?". "Ha! Over my dead body.". "You guys know each other?" V asked as everyone looked kinda surprised. "I don't mind telling the great old story of how Nicky here dated one of my good old friends Alexis for a while but he cheated on her with half of her friends. Suddenly, the following week, Nick's favorite car in the whole wide world got destroyed and his credit card got stolen and used at every shopping store on street but he blamed us even though there was no proof.". "Alexis is far from smart so it must've been your idea. I know you, Lila," Archie came over to me and just put his arm around me. Yeah like that's gonna do anything, its just gonna make the dog want more. "Well, Nick here is having a little soiree at his hotel tonight. Will you come? Betty and Lila are my besties and the best. I won't take no for an answer.". "We wouldn't miss it.".

"And then, we walk into the Gilded Lily, and there's Gal! Again!". "Gal?". "Gadot. Keep up, Archie," Arch was just trying to fit in while I was just with the pussycats and Kev. "Archiekins. A refill, s'il Vous plait?". "Forget the teetotaling. Let's move on to something with a little more kick," Nicky pulls out something from his pockets. "Is that-". "- Jingle Jangle?". "Why, yes. It is.". I immediately just looked at Reggie as he just shrugs his shoulders. "I hooked him up.". "Tasters? Who's up first?". "Dude, we told you, we're not-". "-Archie, don't take this the wrong way, but you are an epic buzzkill. Come on, Vee. Like back in the day. Aren't you supposed to be showing me a good time? Per Daddy's orders?". "Down, Nicky, I'm just getting going. And now that you mention it, I, in fact, wouldn't mind a little sugar to spice up this party. What? Every other night its burgers and milkshakes. Can't we just cut loose and pretend we're normal, for once?". "I'm in.". "Me, too. Kevin? Lila?". "You did say you wanted a break," He says as I did kinda want some fun so we both agreed. "Pussycats, care to partake?". "Betty?". "No, thanks.". "Come on, it'll be fun.". "I said no, V". "Okay, relax, Betty, this is strictly voluntary.". "Perhaps we should decamp to the bedroom, so as not to corrupt the country mice. What do you say, Lila?". "You know what? I changed my mind. I'm in.". "Bravo, Archie Andrews! There's that good, strong Riverdale stock I've been jonesing for!". After a few moments of taking the Jingle Jangle... Woah. It hit me hard. I felt so alive, like every part of me was just tingling. I was just dancing on my own then Reggie came and danced with me for a bit before Archie took away and kissed my neck. His hands started exploring my body and I couldn't help but moan as it felt so damn good, I almost forgot what his touch felt like on my skin. I looked around as everyone was just having the time of their life. Everyone was whipping their hair and just dancing or making out with someone. B just looked miserable, sitting in the corner on her own. "Come on, Betty, don't be such a wallflower! You're boyfriendless for a night! Have some fun!". "Like you, you mean? I was gonna say you're making a fool of yourself. Acting like some privileged, shallow, airhead party girl.". "Excuse me?". The music suddenly stopped and everyone was witnessing the heated argument. "Yeah. I mean, it's all recycled banter and plunging necklines and throwing shade to distract us all from the fact that there's really nothing going on underneath-". "-Betty, what the hell are you saying?". "What we're all thinking. That the only reason Veronica hangs out with us is a circumstance. She's not our friend. The minute someone from her trashy past shows up, she starts using us for drugs or music or distraction, and why should we be surprised? Like father, like daughter, right?". "You better shut it down, Betty.". "Or what, Veronica? You'll have your dad put a hit on me? Or maybe you'll do it yourself, because you may have fooled all of them, but not me. You call yourself a friend? Look at the way you are with Archie! He belongs to Lila but you keep stealing him from her and you know what, she hates it-". "-Betty!". "It's true, isn't it? Archie, how do you not see that you leave your girlfriend all alone all the time to be miserable and clear up your mess. She honestly deserves better than you. Someone who can treat her better and someone who can actually be a loyal friend. Try to reform all you want, but you're a bad person, Veronica. You'll always be a bad person," Archie and Veronica just looked at me as I just couldn't be asked to hide how I feel anymore so I just shrugged my shoulders. " Why don't you just go, then, if I'm such a monster?". B then walked out. "Let's just get back to partying, shall we? She is clearly not okay. Reggie? Turn the music up, will you?". I would go after her but I knew she probably needed to be alone for a minute or two. I just wished she could've told me or warned me that she was going to air my shit out to everyone. Archie just looked at me like he had something to say but I really wasn't in the mood for it as I knew it was probably going to annoy me so I just stayed with Cheryl and Kev which was surprisingly fun.

My Forever // Sequel to SweetheartsWhere stories live. Discover now