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Everyone's afraid to say it, so let me be the first. There is a serial killer amongst us. San Francisco had the Zodiac. New Orleans had the Axeman. Texarkana, Texas, had the Phantom Killer. The list goes on and on. Add to their ranks Riverdale's very own psychopath, the Black Hood. There it was. Terror was seeping into the bedrock of Riverdale... A Town Hall Meeting had been set by Mayor McCoy. People were afraid to walk the streets alone, especially as dusk approached. Shops closed early, locks were added to doors, suspicions between the North and Southside deepened, fanned into flames by Alice Cooper...As everyone wondered what danger lurked in the dark. When would we hear from the Black Hood next, and how far into darkness would Archie go on his quest to avenge his father... And to stop the Black Hood? I just finished watching the video with my dad and I honestly had no words. We were both speechless and I couldn't even believe what I just saw. "That was Archie, right? Same redhead who's going out with my daughter," He was clearly starting to get a bit worried and I can't blame him. I didn't know this was going on, we haven't really talked. "Dad, I honestly didn't know about this because if I did, I would've kicked him in the-". "-Young lady! I know you would've but you should talk to him. If anyone can get some sense into him, it's you Lilac.". I hope you're right dad. "But we haven't exactly been talking dad... what do I even say?". "You could go with the best approach... Saying hi! Now go, young lady, before I call your boyfriend," Dad pushed me out of the kitchen and started laughing.

 I went outside to see mum standing there with her fancy clothes and shades. "Hello, Lila. I just wanted to check up on you.". "Why? I don't understand why you are here trying to be my mother.". "Lila, I know I hurt you but I want to try. This town isn't safe for you and I-". "-What? Want me to move away from here and live with you and your new boyfriend.". "How did you know... Alexis.". "Of course she told me! Are you actually serious? How could you do this to this family, to dad? This is why I want nothing to do with you at all, you just think about yourself and no one else. Where were you when I had my first kiss with Archie or when I almost died twice in less than 24 hours? You were having the time of your life in New York moving on with your new boyfriend and daughter. Go back to New York and don't ever come back. I'm done with your lies Victoria," I ran away crying and I didn't even realize I was standing outside Archie's house. His dad clearly heard me cry as he opened the door for me to come and comfort me. "I'm sorry Mr. Andrews, my mum is back and she's trying to act like she cares about me when she doesn't. She's even trying to take me away. I don't know if I can handle this and to top it all off, I watched Archie's video with my dad and I'm just second-guessing things I guess.". "Well he'll be down in a minute if you guys wanna talk but about your mum, I knew her in school and she was very determined to have her own way with life. Lila, I know it's hard to believe this but parents do what they think is right for their children. Sometimes they don't see things clearly and it gets in the way of everything but it's their kids' jobs to have to guide them to the right thing. Like right now, I'm scared that what happened to me has really affected Archie and even you Lila and I'm so sorry but right now I have to be there to remind him that I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere," I nodded as he gave me one last big hug before heading upstairs to tell Red I'm here. "Lila, I know you're probably not too happy with the video-". "-Archie stop! What the hell were you even thinking?". "Lila, I'm sorry I just wanted to send a message.". "Yeah a message about violence and my dad saw it too, he's concerned about me...About you! You didn't even talk to me Archie what is going on? I wouldn't even be surprised if my dad and possibly my mum was thinking you've gone all American psycho.". "To be honest, I got the idea from Veronica's dad and-". "-So you actually went to the dinner with Veronica and her family and didn't even think to tell me about it? Archie I know I'm your girlfriend but it would be nice if you could tell what's going on so I won't be on the outs.". "I'm sorry Lila. I didn't think-". "-Exactly...You didn't think. You're not the only one going through things too and we're supposed to be there for each other but I've been biting my tongue because I almost lost you and I don't want to," I walked away as I realized that I've been so busy looking out for everyone and I haven't really looked out for myself. So I called someone who could take my mind off things. "Hey I know it wasn't that long ago we last saw each other but I was wondering if we could meet up now? I could come meet you guys at the school...Perfect be there in a few," I hung up and texted Jug to give me a ride to go meet Sweetpea and the others at their school.

My Forever // Sequel to SweetheartsWhere stories live. Discover now