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A day later, the whole town woke up to something that would leave us shaken to our core. I was with my dad when we discovered the fan mail from the black hood. "This is the Black Hood. I am the man who shot the adulterer at Pop's. I killed the child predator in Greendale. I shot the drug- and sex-addicted teenagers at Lovers' Lane. Riverdale is not innocent. It's a town of hypocrites, degenerates, criminals. My wrath is the price of your lies, your secrets, your sins. I will not stop. I cannot be stopped. I am the wolf. You are the flock. This is the blood-letting. You will hear from me again.". Dad and I just looked at each other in shock. "Dad? This is real isn't it?". I looked at the letter and there was also a picture of Mr. Andrews' wallet and sunglasses. "It's going to be okay Lila. Just breathe okay," I sat down to take slow breaths and my mind just started to wander back when things in this family were kinda more simple.

(Five years ago)

Anna and I were in her room listening to some of dad's favorite rock songs and we would talk for hours. "Anna bear, what do you wanna be when you grow up?". Anna rolled onto her stomach and started playing with my hair. "To be honest, I don't know Lila bear. I might follow in dad's footsteps as it looks like you really enjoy following mum's but little sister, just do whatever makes you happy. I love you.". "To the moon and back," We both do our pinky swear and hug each other as we just laugh the night away. "Is it bad that I like to sing a lot? I mean I love to cook with dad but when I sing, it's like a relief.". "It's understandable. I feel the same way when I paint, Lila bear. That's how you know when you really love something. Don't be afraid of loving something because we all need to take risks in life, it helps us figure out who we really are. Like when you wanted to be a snowman or snow woman in your case, you realized it wasn't what you wanted but if you didn't know that then you wouldn't have discovered your first true love," We both giggled a little before dad walked in. "Oh no, my two favorite girls are all happy. I guess there's no need for pancakes and waffles," Anna and I started screaming as we chased dad down the stairs and jumped on his back. We were all laughing as dad picked us both up and threw us on the couch. The sounds of us laughing echoed as I started to drift away from it.

I opened my eyes... It was just a distant memory and nothing more. I looked at dad and realized how much he's changed. He's growing a beard, got a little taller, and is wearing shirts more than his old black and white t-shirts. "Sorry dad, I was thinking about... Anna," Dad looked at me with a weak smile and just gave me a hug. He sighed and said, "It's okay, talk to me Lilac.". "I just... I keep thinking about her and the good memories we had before the incident.". "I'm sorry. Things have been different and it will soon be four years since your sister passed away. Why don't we do something? In her honor, we can... Do a good fashioned bake-off. Remember whenever we would wait for your mother to come home so we would do a bake-off? Let's do that Lila," I nodded, smiling like crazy thinking about how much of a mess the kitchen would always end up. I got a call from B asking me to go with her to go see Jug at his school but Sweet pea kinda popped up in my mind. We walked in and saw Jug talking to... "Toni?". "Oh my god, Lila!". Toni ran into my arms and gave me the biggest hug ever. "Oh my god Sweet pea was actually telling the freaking truth. I've missed you so much, Lila.". "I've missed you more T, of course, you two are working at the red and black together," I held her hand as we were both just smiling then B cleared her throat as she clearly felt left out. "Betty, this is Toni. She is the photographer for the newspaper. This is Betty. This is my girlfriend.". "Hi, Toni.". "Huh. You are not at all what I pictured.". "Really? What did you picture?". "Uh, Emily the Strange. Winona Ryder from Beetlejuice.". "Hey, look what Betty got us.". "Great minds," They both said at the same time and it just got really awkward. "Hm Lila, how's your dad? Everyone misses the old man.". "He's good, he misses you guys too and says your welcome anytime but I'll definitely come hang out with you guys sometime.". "Please let it be all the time and bring this moody lone wolf with you because every time I invite the guy he says-". "-no because he doesn't like people. Trust me, he'll say yes sooner or later but I'll drag him along because he loves me and I'll buy him a burger.". "I'll think about it," Jug said as B went to go take a phone call. "That's basically a yes in his language," I whispered to Toni as we laughed. "I bet you're wondering what else Sweet pea said about you. He just said he saw you and your dad, you look really pretty and that you missed us all," He really said I'm pretty? I don't care. "That's sweet of him but I also wanted to tell you guys that I kinda have a boyfriend, did Jug tell you about Archie Andrews?". "The redhead who's a footballer and a singer, yep but... If he makes you happy then I can't say anything except you must miss having smart conversations with people.". "That's what I had Jug for and now I'm screwed without him whining about me not buying him a burger," We laughed as B bursts in, telling me how Cheryl snicked on Kev and how he's gone back to the woods so she dragged me along.

"Where do you think he is?". "I don't know B," Then we saw Kev come towards us and he did not look happy. "Oh, my God. What are you guys doing here?" Cheryl called me and said that you look like you were going for a jog, headed towards Fox Forest. Fact. You said you weren't gonna do this anymore.". "Betty dragged me and I just wanted to make sure no one says anything that they'll regret," I said as Kev looked like he had enough of Betty. "For God's sake, Betty, what do you want from me?". "I want you to have more respect for yourself than this.". "Respect for myself? Look. We have been friends for a long time, but you still have no idea-". "- Well, then tell me, Kev, please.". "You act like we've got the same set of options, but we don't. You live in this pale-pink world of milkshakes and first kisses and "Am I gonna date Archie or Jughead?" Oh Right, right, right. Except for when you're exploring your BDSM sexuality, which again, you're allowed to do, but I'm not, because why? This is what I've got, Betty. Me, these woods. So, please don't come here and tell me it's disgusting. If you can't accept what I do, whatever I do, then we're just... We're not really friends. I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'm sure everyone feels the same way I do! I'm sick of always feeling second place or less special than you Betty at least Lila remember I still exist and don't forget about me or just call to talk about herself 24/7-". "-Kevin stop it! Go home and cool off now!".Kevin then ran off into the dark as I was calling out his name but B just stood there in shock. Maybe some of it was kinda true but I can't blame Kev for feeling that way. I just can't.

Those kids in the fairy tales who go into the woods... they don't come back the same. They're always changed in some fundamental way. Sometimes for the better. More often for the worse. That's the common misconception about fairy tales. They very rarely... have a happy ending. "Doiley, is it recording? This is a message for the coward calling himself the Black Hood. You think you can attack us from the shadows. But Riverdale is a lot stronger than you. And we're not afraid. See, there's only one of you. But we are legion. We're called the Red Circle. And we're coming for you. We will find you. We will hunt you. And we will end you.".

My Forever // Sequel to SweetheartsWhere stories live. Discover now