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After we got the truck fixed, Archie took me to Pop's so that we could get some takeout and eat at his place. As soon as I went to his bedroom, I just took my clothes off and wore nothing but his t-shirt. What? It's comfy. "Do you think Jug is gonna be okay?" I asked as I worried about him slightly. Archie and I cuddled as he fed me a chip. "He's gonna be alright Lila, just eat your food. Are you staying here tonight?". "I don't know... My dad is quite worried about me, especially after that note that showed up on everyone's door. You could maybe stay over at mine? I'm sure he won't mind just as long as we're okay," Archie nodded as we both ate the rest of our food while watching a horror movie. After a while, he walked me home and then climbed through my window as we both knew my dad would probably try and get us all to sleep in the living room together so that I don't wind up young and pregnant. I've missed this. Just us laying here in bed together and forgetting about the rest of the world. Time slows down whenever I'm in his arms and I just forget about all the bad. Is this what being in love is like? Love has always been a fear of mine especially after losing my sister and then having my mother leave us the way that she did but Archie... He was always there by my side. He was the one that always found a way to get me to eat, sleep and even wake up. He never gave up on me and was always by my side but I'm scared I'll lose him. I can't let that happen because it will just hurt like hell. "Archie, I think we should have a little party. Everything for the past few days has been like hell. We could do it tomorrow night as my dad will be busy working at the cafe late and going over the paperwork. I need an excuse to drink and just dance with the people I love," I thought about the last sentence I just said but I'm praying his dumb jock brain won't think about what I said too much. "Party sounds great but I just don't want it to end up like Jug's birthday party as that was way too much drama.". "I think we all just need to have fun.". "I do love your ideas Lila bear but are you sure that this party isn't an excuse to just dance and get me all jealous?". "Ha! I don't have to do anything to get you jealous and I'll prove it at the party or are you scared Andrews?". "Oh no you're on Landon," He pulled me in and kissed me. We started getting pretty heated as we both started to strip down to our underwear. "I don't want you to stop Archie, I just want all of you," I said as he was laying on top of me and looked me in the eyes. "I want this to be special for us Lila, you deserve the best everything and I wanna be the guy who gives that to you.". He took me in his arms and we cuddled then started to drift off to sleep.

At school, we decided to tell the whole gang about the party idea and it seemed like everyone was in. "Party sounds great, will they be drinks?" Kev asked of course. "Of course, there'll be alcohol, who do you think I am?". Everyone seemed to be in agreement. I just didn't want any uninvited guests. "So what time am I coming to the party? Forget it before one of you says something repulsive, I'll come by early and help you look hot. Bye," Cheryl says before she walks out and everyone is just left staring at me. "What? We've actually sort of been friends lately. She's actually not that bad," I said as everyone just looked surprised. "Really since when?" Archie asked. "Since you decided to be a crap boyfriend towards her and Cheryl surprised us by actually being there for her more than you, you'd know all of this if you weren't busy being Veronica's lapdog," Kev said out of nowhere as everyone just kinda stares at him in silence. Archie just got up and left, leaving everyone sighing. "Kev what the hell?" I said. "Lila I'm sorry but he hasn't been the boyfriend to you lately and everyone can vouch for that," As I looked around the room, I could tell everyone agreed. "Guys we were just going through a rough patch, what do you want me to do? Break up with the man I love?". "See that's another thing Lila, you shouldn't be scared to tell someone you love them. You should just be able to tell them and you were planning on telling him months ago but he just started going crazier by the second and the person who suffered the most was you," Jug said as he sat next to me. "We're just telling you this because we worry about you and you deserve the best, you've been so busy trying to save him all the time and worrying about him that you haven't had the time to even deal with your own stuff like your mum," B said and it just hits me, I haven't been there for my dad as much as I should've, I didn't even speak to my mum and find out if what's going on with Alexis's dad and I even haven't really hung out with my serpents especially if I want to be a leader someday. "It just hasn't been easy for him lately and I guess I forgot about myself but guys it hasn't been easy with not just Archie but the craziness we deal with.". Everyone just gave me a group hug and yes I had to drag Jug into the hug. I honestly love my family, we always have each other's backs and I hope nothing ever changes that.

Cheryl came over, wearing something bright red of course and has a little something for me. As I show off the beautiful green dress, her eyes light up as she spins me around and just makes me blush. "Just perfection... You're lucky this is your own party otherwise I'd force you to wear something less mesmerising but what do you think of it?" She says while doing my makeup. "Honestly, I love it. I can't believe you're giving this to me, are you sure you won't want to give this to someone else?". "No. I specially bought it for you. The amount of time I put into looking for the right dress for you, not for the party but my grandmother once told me, in every women's closet, she'll have one thing that she is the fondest of and will give her the happiest memories. I wanted to be the one to give you something like that because Jason did it for me before he... I'm sure Anna would've loved to do something like that for you. You're always helping others and I'm getting sick of you constantly saving my life so," Cheryl said with her smirk and I gave her a hug. No one has really ever said anything like this to me before and it just makes it easier that she understands me. "Thank you, I don't know what to say.". "Don't say anything... Sometimes it's just best not to say anything but to just smile or in my case, always have a resting bitch face that scares everyone away," She smiles and thinks to herself for a moment before going back to my makeup. " Why do you do act like that to everyone," I look straight into her eyes and slowly see her walls crumbling down. "Because my darling Lila, it's protection. I know I've always had a cold heart but Jason he... he always softened it and made it easier for me to tolerate people. Ever since he... Who's going to protect me from the big bad wolves out there like Nick? Why be nice to people when the world is filled with selfish people who just want to use you and hurt you?". I looked at her and she was trying her best not to cry, I wondered if that's how my mother thinks. Maybe she thinks money and power are her only friends. "Let's stop with emotional pointless stuff and focus on the important matter, which lipstick are we going for?". And just like that, her walls have gone straight back up. 


I just wanted to thank everyone who has been reading my stories and I hope everyone has been safe. I decided to take a step back as I had writer's block, my mental health was affected by lockdown and everything going on in the world but I want to thank you all for just enjoying my stories. Riverdale is definitely a mess right now but let's hope my stories aren't affected by it and I'll try to post more often. 

My Forever // Sequel to SweetheartsWhere stories live. Discover now