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I drag my suitcase in the entrance, the gravel getting caught in the wheels. I never understood why the put gravel inside this place. I manage to get myself into the lift and up to Bella's flat.

I knock on the door and Bella opens it, a sad expresson on her face.

'Why whenever you come to stay here, are you always heartbroken?' She say hugging me.

'Not my choice.' I mumble and Bella laughs sadly.

'Bless your little cotten socks, my little sugar plum.' She says taking my suitcase and welcoming me in to my new home.

'Chris! Flow's here!' Bella shouts to Chris, who infact is only in the kitchen.

'Oh right!' She says happily walking over to the breakfast bar, and i walk over to the sofa.

'How many times have you looked out that belcony feeling completely and utterly heartbroken and sorry for yourself?' Bella asks as I stare out of the belcony. I sigh.

'Come on bub, your gunna be ok! Trust me.' She says sitting down next to me. I nod.

'I'm gunna go unpack. Spare room or my old one?' I ask miserably

'Your old one, the spare one's Chris's.' She mumbles. I walk over to the room.

'God, them two men have killed her.' I hear Bella say to Chris before I close the door.

I have to agree.

Cry your heart out (Forgot About Me (An Olly Murs Story) sequel)Where stories live. Discover now