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I flip the pancake in the pan. It misses and falls to the floor.

'Oh.' I laugh, along with Olly. 'Maybe you should do this.' I say as he somes over. I pass him the tray and he flips them to perfection. I had been here for a month now. The strike lasted longer than expected.

'Look.' He says, pushing me infront of him. He puts his hands on top of mine, holding onto the pan. 'You just twist and flick!' He laughs, me too. I try and I miss and hit the white/grey surfaces.

'Again?' I ask Olly. He laughs. Suddenly I can feel him against my back. I swivel around to face him. Our noses are milimertres away. I can feel myself leaning in and closeing my eyes. Our lips collide and sparks fly through my body.

Suddenly I feel complete. Living with Olly, kissing him. But Flow! What about Jasper? JASPER! Oh god.

I pull away and we stand here awkwardly. Olly walks away and I continue trying to flip pancakes, alone.

Cry your heart out (Forgot About Me (An Olly Murs Story) sequel)Where stories live. Discover now