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I stroll through the shops looking at random things that I don't really need, browsing really. I was bored so I came shopping.

'Erm hi?' A young girl around 13 says to me.

'Hi babe!' I say happily to her.

'Are you Flow Rivers? Olly Murs' ex girlfriend?' She asks and my smile fades.

My breath catches in my thought and my legs go weak.

'I, er-' I stutter. I close my eyes and when I open them the girl is gone.

What just happened? Why did I react like that? I hold on the rail off the hallway and take a deep breath.

When I finally calm fully down, I carry on shopping. But not very well. I can't stop thinking about Olly, and why I reacted like that.

I decide its best to call a taxi and go home. When my taxi arrives I jump in and say my directions. The driver nods but I cannot see his face as it is covered by a hat and a long scarf.

I stare out the window for a while before I notice we are going in completely the wrong direction.

'Erm, sir? We're going the wrong way!' I say, but get no reply.

'Sir? Hello? We're going the wrong way!!!!' I scream, beginning to panic. The taxi driver begins to laugh.

'HELP ME!' I scream, banging on the windows and trying to open the door. I'm locked in.

Cry your heart out (Forgot About Me (An Olly Murs Story) sequel)Where stories live. Discover now