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I sigh sitting alone on the sofa in my new home. I lean back as the adverts come on. I jump forward as i see a fimalir face on the telly.

'New from Mr. Olly Murs, A new album! Right Place Right Time, buy it now from HMV!!'

Olly dances around lamp posts singing 'Troublemaker'. Yes i know the song. Its everywhere. And I kinda like it.

'Come on Flow, you haven't left that sofa since you got here! Get out  the house!' Bella nagged me. I sighed.

'Fine.' I say grabbing my bag and leaving the flat, leaving Bella with a shocked expression. She'd been trying to get me our for ages.

I walk down the high street and strait into HMV. I walk over to the Cds and scan them up and down.

Aha! I think picking up the Cd and running over to the till before it gets a que.

I quickly pay and run away home.

I go straight to my room and shove the Cd in the player. Bella scowls and sighs when I slam the door.

'And she's back.' I hear her sigh.

I quickly turn up the sterio and play Right Place Right Time really loudly.

'Army Of Two' Comes on and I begin to dance.

Thats my day planned out then.

Cry your heart out (Forgot About Me (An Olly Murs Story) sequel)Where stories live. Discover now