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'Oh Flow you're awake!' He says happily.

'Erm, why is everything white?' I ask, stupidly. Wow good question Flow! My head says saracstily.

Olly laughs. 'Dunno, not my arpartment. A friends friend's. He just said 'Keep it white' So i did.' He laughs.

'Why am I in your friend's friend's apartment?' i ask, my voice raising.

'Er..' Olly mumbles sheeplishly.


'I'm sorry Flow! I just needed to see you!' He defends.

'So you kidnapped me?' I scream.

'Well, not exactly.' He mumbles.

'Yes exactly! What? Did you pay that man to pick me up, knock me out, tie me up, knock me out again then bring me here?' I shout walking over to his sofa.

'Erm kinda. But i asked them not to hurt you.' Olly says. I sigh.

'Bless.' I mumble. 'You do know I'm back with Jasper?' I say and he nods slowly.

'I'm real sorry Flow, but you gunna have to stay here for a while. The next train back home is in three weeks. Aparently there is a strike.' Olly says as I sit down next to him.

'Oh dear lord Olly. You must really love me. Oh my gosh, I shouldn't have said that! I sound so obnoctious!' I panic. God that was so rude! Olly laughs.

'No worrys, it's true.' He says and my heart sinks. Why? 'Do you wanna go and get dressed? There's some clothes in your bedroom, I picked them, so you'll hopefully like them.' He smiles and I nod, getting up to go to the room.

I have to stay here for at least three weeks. What about Jasper? Won't he be worried? Seen as we only just got back together! Never mind, I have my best friend.

Cry your heart out (Forgot About Me (An Olly Murs Story) sequel)Where stories live. Discover now