💮Strawberry shortcake 💮

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It was break time, you were sitting there in the garden once again. Staring at the flowers blooming as breezes of wind blew by your hair danced through the wind.

The children stared at you, some whispered.
"She never covered up her entire body like this..." a girl said followed by a judgements stare.

Someone placed their hand on your head, caressing it. You turned to make eye contact with your cousin as Oikawa took a seat next to you.

"Have you eaten?" You shook your head, "Are you hungry?" Oikawa asked as he pulled out your favorite candy, handing it to you.

"A-arigato..." you took it and placed it in your skirt pocket, "I'm gonna go do my homework, okay? Call me if you need anything." Iwaizumi said caressing your cheek, you leaned onto his hand as it slowly disappeared.

You then buried your face into your knee.

"Hey! You!" Said a voice that somehow made your heart skip a beat, you raised your face up your (e/c) eye making contact with golden eyes.

"You look pale..." you formed a slight smile as he took a seat next to you, you than looked away to the other side resting your head on your knee.

"Oi! Say ahh~" you looked at him as he held a strawberry shortcake on his little fork, your eyes widened as you opened your mouth and explosion of sweetness flow through your mouth.

You had shared an indirect kiss with him without even realizing it.

"Ahh~ Oishi~" you said closing both of your eyes as your real smile finally came out, the boy than smiled as you slowly opened your eyes to see his adorable smile plastered on his face.

"Call me Pteranodon!" The boy smiled as you tilted your head and asked ''Isn't that a type of a dinosaur?'' 

He nodded his head in excitement as he fed you another bite of his strawberry shortcake, ''What's your favorite dinosaur?'' he asked.

''Hmm...I don't know...'' you said while chewing on the strawberry shortcake ''Well, what about the Brontosaurus? They're cool and cute in their own ways! Just like you!''

You blushed than smiled and said ''Call me Brontosaurus then!'' he smiled and laugh with you, you guys talked and hung out till the bell rang.


After a few months past by, you and Pteranodon had a lot of fun. Before you knew it he was your first love though you never confessed little did you know he felt the same.

You shared every secrets with him even about your abusive mother, the death of your father. You even introduced him to Iwaizumi and Oikawa and all of you hung out a few times.

Iwaizumi POV

Kei. Take care of her. She seems so happy with you. Take care of my cousin. Don't leave her.

One day,

''Brat. Go stay with your grandparents! I can't handle your whinny ass anymore!'' your mother said after another round of beating you up.

''B-but okasan! I don't wanna leave you.'' you clung onto her legs only to be kicked as you flew to the side of the room and cried.

''Let my mother handle you. You can die for all I care. Piece of garbage.'' 

Those words were painful... 

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