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(I'm gonna make everything a little bit more aesthetic from now onwards :3 All these arts belongs to their original owner TwT)

(I'm gonna make everything a little bit more aesthetic from now onwards :3 All these arts belongs to their original owner TwT)

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You awoken up to a slight pain on your face next to your mouth, "Tch..It hurts..." you said in a weak voice.

You felt a light squeeze on your hand as you turned your direction to your hand, seeing Oikawa awake and looking at you with worrisome eyes

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You felt a light squeeze on your hand as you turned your direction to your hand, seeing Oikawa awake and looking at you with worrisome eyes.

"Iwa-chan, she's awake." Iwaizumi than came close to you and patted your head, "Are you okay?" you nodded your head.

"What did the doctor say?" you said in your weak voice, "It wasn't badly injured to where you needed the surgery again..." Oikawa blurted out.

"What happened? Who did this to you?" you paused for a second, than smiled with your
eyes closed "I was being clumsy and tripped..."

You giggled a little, but Iwaizumi knew you better. "Tell me, (Name)-chan...don't hide from me..." you looked at him and sighed.

"Hiruka...Kei's girlfriend happened..." Iwaizumi eyes widened along side with Oikawa as his hand turned into a fist.

You shook your head, "It's fine, it was my fault for insulting her..." Oikawa looked at you, "I'm sure my (Name)-chi would insult someone without a reason..."

You shook your head "Don't worry, I'll look after myself..." Iwaizumi then nodded but he was still worried.

"You're discharging tomorrow, I'll come get you." Iwaizumi said "Ah! Me too!" Oikawa joined in.

You nodded and smiled as Iwaizumi charged your phone and patted your head.

You nodded and smiled as Iwaizumi charged your phone and patted your head

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"Well, I'm off now." He said leaving you all alone, you covered yourself up with your blanket as you tried to fall asleep.


It was the next day and you were discharged from the hospital, Iwaizumi insisted that you should stay home and rest.

But, you didn't want your study to go to wasted. So, you made your way to school with the help of Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

"Don't walk home alone. I'll pick you up, okay?" Iwaizumi said "If anyone does anything to you say that you're my girlfriend!" Oikawa said.

Getting hit by Iwaizumi as he dragged Oikawa back home waving you goodbye, you struggled walking a little.

So, you took small steps and made sure you didn't push yourself too much. It was lunch time when you arrived to school.

You walked along the way than you saw Tsukishima getting his drinks, as you stood there adoring his little facial features.

He looked up as his golden orbs looked into your (e/c) orbs, he walked over as he saw you struggle even standing.

"I heard what happened yesterday, and I'm sorry on behalf of Hiruka." He said as you shook your head "It's fine...I guess..."

He than looked at you from top to bottom, "Let me help you..." he bend down asking you to get on him, "I-I don't think your girlfriend would like this..."

He shook his head "I don't care what she thinks, you're hurt." Your face turned red but decided to climb on him anyways.

Making your way to the classroom, the silence wrapped around you. "We have a project and the teacher paired us up..."

You nodded, "Where do you wanna do it?" He shook his head, "I don't really mind..." he said as you stayed silent for a bit.

"What about your house...?" He looked at you and said "Okay, sure..." you smiled to yourself as you let yourself get comfy on his back.

I hate how free I feel when I'm with you, I let all of guards down...

It's a habit of mine and it won't change anytime soon...


Do you still remember me?

Those were the thoughts haunting you, as you made it to class Tsukishima let's you get off. "I'll help you walk..." he said, you shook your head.

"It's okay, I'll be alright." He nodded and went inside the class as you steadily made your way in.

"Looks who decided to show up. Ms.Stuck-up-boyfriend-stealer!" Hiruka yelled as the class laughed you let your head low.

As you took a seat and class continued on as normal, but when class had ended. Tsukishima turned over to you and handed his phone to you.

"Give me your number, so I can easily text you my address tomorrow." You took his phone and typed in your number, you decided to name yourself "Brontosaurus"

You handed him his phone, "You like dinosaurs?" He asked raising a brow, you nodded your head.

"Well, Mattane." He walked off, as you followed behind making your way to the school's gate.

A group of girls were gathered, holding gifts and many things. You saw three familiar faces among the crowd Iwaizumi, Oikawa and...


"Oh. (Name)-chi!" Oikawa said running up to you as Iwaizumi followed behind slowly. He picked you up and spun you around, "Not the time to joke around..." you said.

Iwaizumi patted your head, "let's go home." The girls especially Hiruka stared and glared at you.

"How is she always close to the boys I like? Hmph!" You crossed her arms.

On your way home, you were day-dreaming.

Special Tomorrow

I'm spending it with Tsukishima

We are.....

Partnered up....

875 words

-Zara Akira

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