💮Found you, but you found her💮

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It was morning as you woke up, you got out of bed and wet to look in the mirror. ''Disgusting.'' you blurted out in your tired voice.

You went to grabbed your towel, went outside your room to take a shower but you saw your mother lying on the sofa. You smiled, and went inside the bathroom.

After taking a shower you put your uniform on consist of a white button girl, a red tie with a normal skirt.

After taking a shower you put your uniform on consist of a white button girl, a red tie with a normal skirt

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You tied your hair up into a ponytail and prepared your bag, getting all the books you need for today. You grabbed your Brontosarus necklace and put it on tugging the Brontosarus in your shirt hiding it.

You then decided to make warm breakfast and covered it with plastic wraps for your mother, you ate a little bit of it just to keep you going as you made your lunch and put it inside your bag.

You said quietly ''Ittekimasu'', you left closing the door behind you. As you made your way to school you were listening to music.

About to reach the school as many students approach someone bumped into you, making you fall face forward.

But it never came you felt a light grab on your back as the person pulled you up back to your balance, Sugoi, he's strong. The guy then walked passed you and hit a girl on the head.

''Baka. Careful and look you bumped into a stranger.'' the girl than stuck out her tongue at the guy, he was tall, had blonde hair with glasses. Pteranodon...?

You reached a hand out as the girl than lead the boy to the school she left a word ringing in your head ''Kei-kun''.

Kei? Tsukishima Kei? Pteranodon?

You tried to look at his finger but it was hard to see, since it was held by the girl. You than walked into the school finding your way to the teacher's office.

"Oh, hello!" Your home room teacher greeted you, you bowed down showing respect. "You can call me Hyori sensei." She gave you a smile.

As time passed and she sorted out all of your files, you made your way to class with her leading you.

She entered the class before hand and told you to wait for your cue to go inside, you nodded in agreement and that you understood.

"Class, today we have a new student! Please come in!" You heard your cue and walked inside, as you stood on the podium you made eye contact with golden orbs that you recognize too well.

You really are my Pteranodon...

"Hello, my name is (First Name)(Last Name). It's really nice to meet you!" You bowed down as you heard a few whispered.

"Wow, she has such beautiful (h/c) hair."

"She's hot...no joke"

"Let's make a bet onto who can hook up with her first"


"Silent!" Hyori-sensei said as she continued "(Name)-San, please take a seat behind Tsukishima." She pointed at the boy as you made your way to the destination you so long for.

You looked at him recognizing a certain necklace on him, he wore the Pteranodon ring with a silver string attached to it.

H-he kept our promise?

A girl than tripped you, as you fell face first a hand offered to help you stand up.

"Hiruka. Don't do that again." The blonde said as he shot a glare at his girlfriend.

You stood up by yourself as you held your necklace, the boy than kept his hand in his pocket and clicked his tongue.

"B-but Kei-kun! I don't like it when girls stare at my boyfriend!" She reasoned with him.

"I don't like it when people I date get possessive of small thing." He said as he clicked his tongue.

You took a seat behind him as you stared at him, My Pteranodon, I finally found you.... my pinky promiser....

I found you....


You found her....

665 words

-Zara Akira

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