💮 The Day Hell Broke Loose 💮

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It was a Monday morning, during break time in elementary school. You stood in front of the garden watching flowers blooming and playing around with all the butterflies.

You giggled, smiled and ran around as little girls stared at you laughing along with you. The teachers looking at you with a smile on their face.

"How can a little girl be so cute?" They thought to themselves.


Home time was announced as each students gets picked up by their parents, your house was close by so you walked home everyday.

When you entered your house, you were greeted by your mother sobbing and falling onto the ground.

Your eyes widened in horror, "O-okasan!" You ran towards her as you hugged her tightly she hugged you and sobs in your arms.

W-what happened to mommy....?

You were shaking, frightened by the side of your crying mother sobbing her eyes out. She blurted out.

"Sweetie, dad left us."

"O-okasan? W-What are you talking about...?"

"D-daddy's gone..."

"Okasan, I-I don't understand...."

"Dad has passed away (Name)-chan..."

You fell onto the floor on your knees, arms still wrapped around your sobbing mother. You were shocked, eyes widened as tears began to crawl out.



It was the day of your dad's funeral, you were tired of crying. You didn't show any expression on your face except crystal beats running down your face, as Iwaizumi and Oikawa hugged you and comforted you.

Your mother was sobbing her eyes out on your father's grave, you stood there looking at her and went to hug her only to be pushed back and fall onto the ground.

Your mother through her tears said:

"It's all because of you."

"It's because of you now that he's gone..."

"It's your fault!"

"I hate you!"

Those words came out as you looked at your mother in horror, you got back up with the help of Iwaizumi. As he brought you over to his mom.

"What's wrong with you, Mika?!" She screamed out at your mother as she pulled you into a hug, she then looked at you and said "Let's go back to my house for today, okay?" You nodded with an expressionless face.

Iwaizumi took you to their car as Oikawa followed behind, setting you in the back seat as the two joined with you sitting by your side on each sides.

"Are you okay, (Name)-chan?" Oikawa said patting your head, you nodded your head as your aunt got into the car driving all of you to her house.


Iwaizumi walked you home with Oikawa accompanying the both of you, "Are you okay?" Iwaizumi asked looked at you as you looked at him with a slight smile.

Iwaizumi's POV
Her catchlights are almost gone, her eyes are a bit puffy. She hasn't said or eaten anything at all for today... I'm worried...

Second person POV

Oikawa patted your head, you hugged Oikawa with a sudden shock as Iwaizumi looked at you with wide eyes. Oikawa's face turned into a thousand shade of red, you released Oikawa and walked inside your house.

Iwaizumi hit Oikawa's head as he whine "That hurt! Iwa-chan~" Iwaizumi than turned his attention to you, you just walked straight into your house without turning back to give him a smile or even a little wave.

Just walking straight inside your house, you turned the door knob and went inside as your small figure disappeared. Iwaizumi sighed as he dragged Oikawa back home as he whined all the way home.

You took off your shoes, and said in a weak voice "Tadaima..." your mother usually replied back with "Okairinasai (Nickname)-chan" but there was no greeting no replies.

You heard small little sobs as you entered the living room to see your mother sleeping on the couch very drunk, you rushed to your mother.

"O-okasan! W-what happened?!" She then glared at you and slapped you as you fell onto the ground. "Your fault! He's gone! Your fault!" She screamed as she grabbed her bottle of whine and smashed it onto your head blood came dripping down.

You rushed to your mother, you were numb you didn't feel any pain at all. "Okasan! Please, turn back to normal!" You cried and screamed but only to be hit in many more places by your mother.


You arrived to school with a bandage on your head and your catchlights were now gone, you didn't get a wink of sleep. Because last night....


I'm done.

With life.


This is the end of the first back story of your character, it's going to continue on until there's many more to come!

784 words

-Zara Akira

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