💮Beaten up💮

817 27 1

(Note: Play this song while reading)

It was the next day, you couldn't get a wink of sleep last night. His eyes were the only thing I could think off last night.

Even if we weren't able to talk much, even if we weren't to have each other, even if I didn't get to feel your arms around me, even if you asked me who am I...

Even if you looked like you finally recognize me, even if I'm not sure if you did. I was very very happy.

Those 3 words that you blurted out, it made me feel like my old self...I miss that feeling, the feeling of being able to eat from the same spoon as you.

The feeling of being able to see your smile, the feeling of holding your hand innocently, the feeling of being able to be myself.

''(Name)-chan? (Name)-chan? Are you okay?'' a muffled voice of Yachi brought you back to reality, ''Huh? What is it?'' you asked her.

''Are you okay, (Name)-chan? You seemed spaced out...'' you shook your head assuring her that you're alright it was before class, that Yachi came to talk to you about some school-works.

''Well, is that all? Or is there some other problem you don't understand?'' she shook her head with a smile on her face, ''Thank you so much, (Name)-chan!'' 

You nodded your head as she left your table, as you laid your head in between your arms you sighed and heard a very annoying voice coming closer.

You lift your head up to see Hiruka clinging onto Tsukishima as he listened to what his girlfriend had to say and replied bluntly with a small grin.

You sighed as you laid your head back down, as she sat on the edge of your table as her hands were on your head as you lifted your head up.

''Can you please get off my table and go take a seat at your boyfriend's table instead?'' you asked bluntly, she clicked her tongue.

''Oh, I'm sorry! Can you find the fucks I give about your opinion?'' she said sarcastically as your classmates eyes averted to the both of you.

You stood up ''No. Find it yourself. I'm not playing Dora.'' you said leaving the classroom at made your way to the bathroom when everyone laughed at your sarcastic comment onto Hiruka.

You stood inside one of the stall, somehow tears started streaming down your face. You used your hand to wiped the tears off your face.

You sat on the toilet, and silently sob.

Why does it hurt? I want to see you happy...

You finally look like you're happy when you're with her, but yet I'm here crying, sobbing, being selfish...

I want you to myself, but she had already claimed you...

Your hand stroll down to your necklace, caressing it. You looked at it and decided to make a promise to yourself.

Give this back to him, when you're ready...

You smiled bitterly, you stepped out the stall meeting face to face with Hiruka's minion.

She kicked you back as you landed on the toilet, her footprint stained all over your shirt. 

You groaned in pain as her girls grabbed you holding your arms, you were unable to move.

Hiruka slapped you, ''Don't get cocky with me. Slut.'' she landed another kick onto your leg the one that was badly injured during one of the beat up your mother gave you.

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