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It was Monday morning as you were packing your stuff readying yourself to return to Miyagi, your mother demanded for you to return and took care of her.

She's a little better now, she had a job as a....stripper.

You couldn't say or do anything but accept that your mother is now, a stripper. You packed up all of your thing, took a shower, wore your outfit for the day.

You put on your necklace as the Brontosarus shines, reflecting the sunlight. ''I'm coming to you now, Pteranodon!'' you smiled to yourself and got up from your bed.

Your grandmother awaits for you downstairs as she prepared your last breakfast together, you took a seat across from her and grandpa.

''I'll be driving you home today, to make sure that useless woman doesn't mess around...'' you giggled the thought of going back to the hell hole does scare you a little.

''I've already prepare all of your registration for Karasuno High school already, dear.'' your grandma said as she picked up a piece of meat for you.


You were standing outside of your house when all of your friends from Nekoma's volleyball team came to said their goodbyes, Yaku had a small talk with you and one last pat on your head.

Kenma put away his switch for once and hugged you.

Kuroo gave you a speech about protecting yourself, as he gave you a hugged you buried your face into his chest, he whispered.

''Good luck on finding your Pteranodon.''

You smiled after hearing those words as you got in the car and your grandpa drove you to Miyagi, you waved goodbye to your friends.

Sayonara minna...


Arriving at your house, your heart was beating fast it was as if you ran a marathon. Your grandpa knocked the door as a beautiful woman dressed in revealing clothes came out.

''Oh, dad. You're here.'' he looked at his daughter in disappointment as you entered the house it was a complete mess as your grandpa shook his head.

''What have you even been doing?'' he asked your mother as she was putting on her high heels. ''I've been stripping for money, did I not tell you?''

He sighed your mother than looked at you ''(Name), clean the house. It better be all through clean, got it brat?'' you nodded as you look down to the floor.

Your grandpa then carried your stuff to your room, your mother is living in not so bad house. I guess she changed a little, well, I hope...

You unpacked your clothes as your grandpa went out to have a little talk with your mother, as she was leaving she said ''I'm leaving now, clean the house. Got that, brat?''

You sighed as the sound of closing door followed behind her, ''Time to get to work and finally rest...'' you tied your hair up and changed into something comfy.

You grabbed the cleaning material, slide on the gloves and started in the kitchen.


You were done by the time the clock hit 8:38 PM, you then decided to go to the kitchen and find some food to eat.

As you open the fridge there was nothing in the fridge, ''Convenience store then....''

You made your way to the convenience store as you made your way there your phone rang.

You made your way to the convenience store as you made your way there your phone rang

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