💮Brontosarus necklace 💮

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It was the day of your project presentation, Tsukishima went to present when you were stuck in the hospital.

"Your white blood cells are starting to act up again, (Name)-san." The doctor said as he stared at you, you knew it too well that you were skipping Lunch and Dinner.

"Have you been skipping meals again?" You nodded your head, no, it wasn't like I forced myself to. It's just I wasn't hungry. The doctor shook his head and wrote something on a piece of paper.

"Please, take your prescribe medication. Your grandmother and grandfather would be very worried if I had reported them this news." He said as you nodded your head.

You walked out of the hospital with your prescribe medication, as you made your way to School. You were half a day late, but the School understood your situation.

It was lunch time by the time you arrived at School, you kept your bag hanging in your seat and you went to the bathroom.

Bumping into Tsukishima, you didn't wanna look at him, you didn't wanna talk to him. "Good job on the project, you did good." You nodded and continued making your way.

You passed by an empty classroom as you were about to enter it instead, you saw a familiar figure inside with a boy from Yachi's class.

You gasped as you saw them.


The two heard your gasped and Hiruka's eyes widened, "That little bitch!" Hiruka said as she buttoned up her shirt.

You sprinted to the bathroom and locked yourself in one of the stall, you sat there and take out your prescribe medication.

You sprinted to the bathroom and locked yourself in one of the stall, you sat there and take out your prescribe medication

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You slip out a few tablets to take it when you Hiruka than showed up in front of your bathroom stall, "SLUT. GET OUT AND FACE ME LIKE A WOMAN!" She shouted, and kicked your door open.

"Ready for another round?" She smirked at you, "W-what did I even do to you...?" You asked as you drop your tablets.

"You. Went. To. My. Boyfriend's. House. AND THAT IS NOR ACCEPTABLE!" She screamed at kicked the door, "I'm not gonna hit you though, give me your necklace."

Your eyes widened to her request, "N-no! This is very important to me!" She glared at you, "I don't care. I want it." She snatched it off your neck leaving a red mark.

"N-no! Give it back!" You screamed her minions took your medication and flushed it down the toilet. "N-no!" You screamed.

T-this is bad...I haven't even took one set of it...

"With this necklace, Kei will love me even more! Because my baby love dinosaurs! Also-" she stared back at you with a serious look.

"Don't tell Kei. What you saw. I just want Kei's money, he's pretty rich." She said as she walked off leaving you in the bathroom.

You sat there alone, helpless as you cried burring your face into your knee, I wasn't ready to give the necklace up yet, I still love Kei...

After you heard the bell rang, you have no choice but to head to class. You stood up but you felt lightheaded, "Fuck." You mumbled under your breathe.

Tsukishima's POV

I was sitting at my seat, when Hiruka ran up to me showing me her new necklace.

"Kei, Kei! Look! I got a new necklace! Since I knew you liked dinosaurs, I got one!" She said in a exciting voice.

"T-that necklace..." I grabbed the necklace which also pulled her closer to me, I knew my breathe was close to her neck but I couldn't care less.

I turned the necklace and looked at it as I saw it, my name in my handwriting.

Kei the Pteranodon

I looked back up at her still holding the pendant, I'd recognize this pendant anywhere. Hiruka was a blushing mess, "Where did you get this necklace?"

I asked slightly raising my voice, she looked at me in horror she could see that I was in a mixed emotion. "I-I bought it yesterday..." she said but I shook my head.

"No way. This is not brand new." She looked at me confused, "It has my handwriting on this." I said asking her again, "Where did you get this necklace?!" I now raised my voice my it's highest.

Second person POV

You walked with the wall supporting your heavy body, I need my necklace back...

That was the only thing on your mind, your necklace that you have had with you for years and years.

As you were about to reach your classroom door and sliding it open, it was your last draw.

I can feel it, it's coming.

You stumbled back as the last thing you saw is Tsukishima holding your necklace that is still attached to Hiruka's neck.



I found you now.....

You returned.....

Without a word

But the proof is with me....

The Brontosaurus necklace.....

825 words

-Zara Akira

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