Chapter 7 - Flirty

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"So... you've been doing very well in my class over the past few weeks.  How are things going with all of your other classes?" Dr. Taylor asked, lifting her gaze to mine from her computer screen with a soft smile that warmed her exquisite features, her oversized spectacles resting on the tip of her nose before she removed them.

God, not only was she freaking adorable, but she was absolutely stunning. I tried to respond to her question, but my mouth had apparently lost the ability to speak momentarily. Or maybe my brain was malfunctioning. Honestly, I had no idea because I was blissfully drowning in her sea-green eyes.

"Um..." I swallowed hard, trying to get my mind to focus on what she was asking rather than how edible her lips looked as they formed the words. And why were they glistening all of a sudden? 

Sexy ass professors like her should not even be allowed to wear gloss on their lips during school hours, cus damn, her lips were hella distracting. All I could think about was how sweet they must taste, and how badly I wanted to bite that plump, juicy one at the bottom, and then kiss the pain away.

"I'm doing well. I've managed to get all of my grades back up to a B or above."

She nodded with approval, a hint of a smile still playing on her lips, "I knew you could do it. I'm very proud of you, Mr. Jeon."

I couldn't help but smile myself on the inside. To someone on the outside looking in, it might  have appeared that not much had changed since the day I poured my heart out to Dr. Taylor a few weeks back. 

She still had zero tolerance for my bullshit, still called me 'Mr. Jeon', and still gave me her cute, 'intimidating' teacher stares over the top of her glasses in front of everyone else, but when we were alone, it felt like everything had changed.

She had changed because there was a radiant, more lighthearted energy about her now.  She was even smiling more, and her smile was breathtaking.  I found myself wanting to spend more time with her just so I could see more of it, and the more time I spent with her, the more she, and her smile, affected me in the best way.

"Thank you. I couldn't have done it without all of your help."

She waved her hand, "You were always more than capable. I had total faith in you."

See?  That's exactly what I mean. Despite her brazenness and her ability to come off as a total hard-ass, she'd opened her heart up to me and  allowed me to see her softer side. I could tell it was a part of her that not many people got to see. It was like she'd shared a secret with me that she hadn't shared with anyone else, and it did things to me. Made me feel things I'd never felt before, and apparently, it had made me bolder. Or I had completely lost my mind because I'd been getting a little flirty with her lately, although she didn't seem to mind.

"It's nice to see you smiling so often now. It makes you look even more beautiful. Your smile is infectious."

She couldn't hide her blush. "Well, um, thank you, but I don't think I've been smiling more... have I?"

"Oh, you definitely have. You seem so much happier lately." I sat up and leaned forward in my chair a little, feeling a lot more confident all of a sudden. "Maybe it's a new boyfriend?" My stupid mouth blurted out the words before my brain could stop it, but I was curious so whatever.

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