Chapter 1: Murdoc Faust Niccals

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Stuart's pov:

I rolled over and shoved my face in my pillow at the sound of my alarm clock. Another bloody first day of school. How many more times do I have to do this?

Right, besides this one, only 2 more.

I stood up and made my way over to my bathroom. Not bothering to clean up the messy floor, I carefully stepped over every piece of clothing that lay there. There was no reason to clean now, he would either hit me or my mom and I chose to take the beating instead. She deserved a break. I hunched over in front of the mirror and made weird faces before staring myself in the eyes. You got this 2d. I thought to myself as I brushed my teeth. I slapped my face lightly a few times to hype myself up and went back to my room to pick through the mess of clothes that lay on my bed.

"This'll have to do" I shrugged my shoulders and changed into my outfit. White long sleeve under my favorite 'Clash' t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and converse. My go-to.

I walked down the steps and made my way into the kitchen. Hmm, no one's home. I guess I have to walk to school today.

I didn't mind walking, it meant I got to listen to my music. 30 minutes of uninterrupted peace and quiet. I don't believe in god, but if I did, I'd say that's the closest it can get to heaven on earth.

Shit, I should get going. It was 7:04 so I grabbed my book bag and raced out of my house. School starts at 7:45 but I like to get there early since the band room is always empty in the mornings.

As I arrived to the school, it was already bustling with kids and teachers walking near by. I looked at my clock. 7:40. Damn. I should've left earlier. Whatever, I'll just go to the band room after class. As I approached the doors of the school, I noticed everyone was staring at me. Great, here we go again...

"Seriously? Making fun of the lanky kid with a weird appearance? Could you guys be any more cliché!" I extended my arms and continued.

"Well get used to this, wankers!" I flipped them all off before heading inside the building, hands on my backpack straps and head hanging low. I bumped into the dean as I walked in. Just my luck...

"Causing trouble already, Stuart? I assumed you'd give it at least a day!" he grabbed my bag and dragged my down the hall

"You used to be so shy and innocent! What happened?" he said as we rushed through the crowds of people.

High school happened. After my 1st year, I realized if I wanted people to stop treating me like shit, I had to do something about it. Maybe this wasn't the best way, but it beats getting the living hell beat out of me.

I knew that was a rhetorical question so I shrugged my shoulders in response.

"You know you can let go of my bag right?" I say, trying to keep up with the obviously rushed man. He's almost always in a rush but today he seemed more anxious than usual.

"Right." he let go and gestured me to sit down on the bench that was outside his office. He walked in and as soon as he did, I heard loud bangs and screaming noises come from inside the closed room. What the hell?

"Mr. Niccals what are you- AGH! WAIT STOP!" There was a pause before I heard a medley of more clanging and loud screams. They continued for a minute before I heard a few more distinguishable words.

"Wait- don't PUT THAT THERE!" followed by more screams and banging.

"Right... but it's more fun this way!" I heard a second voice yell. His voice was raspy and deep. It was sort of... hot? In a rugged kind of way I guess.

The door flung open and out came a tall, green skinned male. His hair was disheveled and he ran a hand through it before greeting the nurse.

"Hello love, would you mind being a doll and getting some ice for my knuckles?" he asked with a smirk growing on his face. He adjusted his leather jacket and licked his lips seductively.

She sighed and gave him an ice pack "What on earth are we going to do with you, Mr. Niccals" she smiled and adjusted her glasses, not looking up at him once.

"More like what on earth would you do without me?" he winked and leaned against her desk before saying one more thing.

"You know, satan put me here for a reason-" he cut his sentence short and stared at my lanky body. His eyes were like daggers, and they pierced through me. I couldn't help but tense up at the sight.

I'd say he was pretty attractive. His eyes were mismatched and his leather jacket was torn up. It looked worn in, like there was history behind it. He was wearing black ripped jeans and cuban heeled boots. The main thing that stood out to me was the chain that dangled from his neck. An... inverted cross?

He looked 'weird' like me I guess. With his green skin plus black and red eyes you'd think I would have noticed him a long time ago. In fact, you'd think he would be the number one target of bullies, besides me of course.

I looked away from him and placed my palm on my neck, praying to satan that he didn't see me staring. he seemed very intimidating so no wonder no one bullied him. That I know of...

"Ah! who do we have here?" he said while slumping down in the seat next to me. His arm extended around my shoulder and brought me close in.

I let out a small whimper and looked at the nurse. By this time, she was already doing paperwork and didn't bother to look up at me.

"You seem a bit shy... I'll introduce myself first then!" he adjusted his body so it was facing me. I sat with my hands in between my thighs and my body was stiff. He probably thinks I'm a loser.

"The name's Murdoc Niccals. And you are..." he placed his free hand under my chin and stroked it softly before he pushed it to look at him. Gosh, he looks more attractive up close... wait. that was a gay thing to think.

"I-I'm stuart. Stuart Pot..." I tried not to look him in the eyes but he kept tilting his head so it followed my gaze.

"Well, Stuart Pot, I think I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you this year" he licked his lips and stood up, adjusting his leather jacket once more. "I approve of the hair, Stu. You'll make for a fine frontman"

F-frontman? What the hell is this guy plotting?

"Ah... I've said too much" he brought his hands up to his mouth and made a fake shocked face. "I'm just kidding" he chuckled and there was a bit of silence for a few seconds.

"Oi, are you gonna speak, mate?" he furrowed his eyebrows and snapped his fingers in my face

"I'm not sure what i'm supposed to say..." I looked up at him before quickly looking away.

"Ah! I left you speechless, yeah?" he stayed there for a moment, keeping his eyes locked on my fidgeting fingers.

"I have that effect on people" he walked away and saluted me before making it down to the end of the hallway.

"See you around, blue bird"

Hold on... did I just gain another bully? Nice going, Stuart.

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