Chapter 4: Birds and bees

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Stuart's pov:

Today has been the longest day ever. When is it gonna end?

I made my way down the steps and pulled out a granola bar from my bag. I should probably eat something. I tore it open and went to take a bite when I felt it get pulled out of my hands

Murdoc took a bite and handed it back to me. "Ooo! Peanut butter chocolate chip! My favorite. You should bring me one tomorrow" He smiled and kept chewing with delight.

"Who gave you permission to eat my dinner" I nudged his shoulder

"D-dinner? Jeez kid, no wonder your so skinny" He pointed to my body and jumped from the last 3 steps onto the floor. "C'mon, we're gonna be late!"

"I'm sure they won't mind. It was your idea anyway" I took my time walking down the last few steps and I felt him drag me by my wrist "Hurry!" he said as he stomped down the hall

"Fine. I'm going!" I exclaimed while pulling my wrist away.

We made it to the music room and there was Noodle and Russ sitting on the floor next to each other.

"Right so what are we doing here, Mudz?" I said while sitting next to Noodle. She smiled up at me and waved as Murdoc blushed.

"Yeah man, we just met! It's not like we're making a song..." Russ chimed in laughing.

Murdoc cleared his throat and started speaking. "Me, being the sexy, talented, bassist aka leader of 'Gorillaz', I decided we should get to know each other" He smiled and held his hands behind his back.

"What better way to do that, than to..." he paused and threw confetti at us "Party!!" he laughed and flashed us a grin. His teeth were really sharp

Noodle clapped and laughed "Hell yeah! A party!" she stood up and hugged Murdoc. He hugged her back and leaned down to kiss the top of her head

Yeah, he's growing on me.

"By party, I mean, drinks, drugs, and ice breakers!" he smirked, obviously proud of himself, looked at Noodle. "Maybe no drugs for you... but still... it's a party!" he grabbed his bag and brought out 2 bottles of tequila, and an assortment of drugs.

"You brought blow to school?!" Russell exclaimed as he shoved it back in Murdoc's bag. "When you said drugs, I thought you meant a little bit of weed, not COCAINE!" He yelled

I sat there watching the whole thing go down, Russell and Murdoc arguing as Noodle played around with the instruments. I saw her moving towards the keyboard so I went up to her.

"Want me to show you?" I asked. She looked up at me and her eyes widened.

"Could you?" She smiled and stepped back, allowing me to stand in front of it.

"Yeah I haven't played in a while so I may be a little rusty..." I placed my fingers on the keys and let them dance across. Both Murdoc and Russel stopped arguing abruptly and looked over at me.

"Shit, that's really good!" Russel beamed

"Yeah..." Murdoc looked away and rubbed his neck before cutting in.

"You know what! We should just go to a real party. I'm pretty sure Ace is having one this weekend, no?" He asked, my hands still hovering over the keyboard.

A party? I've never been to one... I can't let him know that though. He's gonna think I'm so lame.

"Sounds good to me!" I yelled. Fucking idiotic bloke why would you say that, Stuart.

"That's what I'm talking about! It's after school on Friday. Let's meet here, yeah?" he smiled and looked at the rest of the group.

"Sounds like a plan" Russ added as he looked over to Noodle

"Yeah! I'm in!" she laughed and walked out of the room.

"I have to go! I told this girl I'd meet her for drinks at 4:00!" she skipped away and yelled "Russell! You're driving us home! Come on!"

"That's my cue. I'll see you guys around!" He walked away and it was only me and Murdoc. I felt tense as he looked up at me. He pulled out his switchblade and fidgeted with it.

Talk about cutting the tension with a knife.

I slightly gasped and backed up.

"Relax. You think I'm gonna what?" he made a stabbing motion "Kill you? Like in the school?" he laughed and pulled out a peach from his bag.

"Well seeing as this band room is used by only us, I think it's be pretty easy to kill me in here" I chuckled and looked away. "No one would miss me anyways" I pulled out my water bottle and proceeded to drink

"I'd miss you..." he said, not looking up from the peach in his hand. "I-I'm sure Russ and Noodle would too..." He let out and awkward laugh and handed me a slice.

I took it in my hand before speaking hesitantly "Y-you know... I got some weird stares in class when I mentioned your name to my biology partner... What's up with that?"

He snickered and looked up at me "Probably broke her heart or something." he looked back down and continued cutting off pieces of the peach and shoving them in his mouth.

"It was a guy though.." I added while placing my piece in between my teeth. I kept chewing at it but I never put the whole thing in.

"Probably broke his heart, then" he made a groan noise and dug through his bag.

I was left speechless for a second

"Russ mentioned that you erm..."

"Fuck everyone?"


"Yeah, I'm a pretty horny guy. Always hooking up with the birds, and the bees if you know what I mean" he nudged me and laughed.

"You f-fuck guys too?" I said

"Yeah, they don't talk about it. Mainly closeted men. I don't mind it though." he rested his head on his hands

"Probably why you haven't heard of me. I'm well know with the ladies, but not the men since they don't want anyone finding out" he looked down.

"Oh so you're bi?" I asked

"Eh, I don't like labels. I'll fuck anything that moves really"

"So you're pan?"

"I don't know what the hell that means but whatever floats your boat" he made a funny grunting/moan noise and I laughed slightly at it.

"What? You don't like my signature groan?" he leaned closer and groaned in my ear before pulling away and standing up. That was kinda hot...

"Adios then, I gotta get home."

"Wait why don't you come with me? My parents are out of town" Fuck, stop saying dumb shit, Stuart!

He smirked and shrugged his shoulders. "Why not"

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