Chapter 2: Playful

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Stuart pov:

I'm gonna be so late! I thought as I ran down the hall. It was already 8:32. Stupid Dean Albarn, Couldn't he give me a punishment AFTER school. I hate hi-

I turned the corner and my thoughts were interrupted as I bumped into a tall guy who was walking. All of my books fell on the floor. Great, what a cliché...

"Sorry, I'm late to class" I said, while crouching down do get my books. I didn't bother to look up at the guy.

"Well that's a pretty sight" the guy laughed and knelt down next to me, placing my books in my hands as he chuckled once more. I knew I recognized that voice. "You on your knees, I mean"

Who does this guy think he is. Why is he flirting so openly? With a guy nonetheless.

"Fuck off. Save your pickup lines for someone they'll actually work on" I snapped back. I didn't have time for this, and I'm sure he didn't actually mean anything by those words. I'm not gay either so I wouldn't even care if he liked me....

"Wow! Naughty boy... I heard what you did earlier" he smirked and leaned against the lockers, finally sitting down. I faced him before speaking.

"What did I do earlier?" I questioned.

"Why, flipping off the students of course! That was pretty epic. I wish I had come up with that" he laughed and continued.

"Although, after that 'courageous' act, I was wondering why I left you speechless when we first met. Care to inform" he smirked. I know what he was suggesting but I didn't like him... I just met him. Why would I?

"W-whatever mate. I have to get to class" I avoided the question without knowing why, but I stood up and made my way down the hall.

"Wait!" he stood up too and I flinched before he grabbed my wrist "What class you got?"

"Erm, I'm in room 316, I've got history first" I furrowed my eyebrows and pointed to the words on my schedule

"Right. I'll see you then" he let go of my wrist and pulled out a cigarette.

"We're already late... and you can't smoke in here!" I yelled as he walked down the hall in the opposite direction of the classroom.

"That's why I'm going outside mate!" he smirked and walked out the doors.

Jeez, he just does whatever he wants, huh?
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be friends...


I found my class and walked in, I already knew how this was gonna play out.

"Hello! I'm stuart pot, sorry I'm late, I have a note" I rushed over my words and handed the teacher my letter before sitting in my seat. There was an open one next to me and I couldn't help but hope murdoc would sit there...

Sure enough he barges in, 5 minutes of class left.

"Helllooooo!" he smiled and extended his arm. I snicker and quickly cover my mouth, seeing as I was the only person who laughed. "The name's Murdoc Niccals! We're gonna have loads of fun this year Ms...." he wrapped an arm around the teacher's shoulder before looking at the board where her name was written. "Björk! Ms. Björk" he said as he sat next to me.

The teacher rolled her eyes and said one thing "Great to have you back for the second time Mr..." she waited for him to continue

"Niccals. Come on, you know this! Seeing as this is the second time we're meeting" he winked and leaned his face on his hand, his elbow resting on the desk.

"Right!" she forced a smile "Try not to fail this time" she returned to her 'I'm over it' facial expression and continued with the 'lesson'.

Murdoc turned to me "You saved me a seat? I'm flattered" he placed his hand on his chest and fluttered his eyelashes.

"Yeah don't get too excited, I don't know if I like you yet" I punched him playfully and he looked at the arm I touched before he met my eyes

"Touching me already, Dents? You're even naughtier than I thought!" he exclaimed.

"Who's 'Dents'?" I asked. Already giving me pet names? My heart feels weird....

"You! It's stands for the dents you have in your head!" he playfully ruffled my hair.

I have dents in my head? Nice, add that to the list of insecurities...

"Oh..." I looked at my shoes. Murdoc must have noticed the shift in mood since he made another comment to lighten it.

"At least you don't have a crooked nose" he laughed and pointed to his face. I hadn't noticed until now. I think it suits him.

"You can call me... DS!" he exclaimed

I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head. He saw the confusion written on my face and explained.

"Because of my nose? I have a deviated septum?" he questioned, hoping I would understand now

I laughed and covered my mouth quickly "No it's fine I don't wanna make fun of you, Mudz. Plus, 'Dents' has a nice ring to it" I smiled up at him.

"Wait. Say that again" he replied.

"Say what?"

"That nick name... 'Mudz' was it?" he widened his eyes while looking at me. He seemed intrigued

"Oh right... sorry, I can call you something else. It just came out on accident" I laughed and dug my nails in my arm. This is my way of coping with embarrassing situations. Don't judge...

He noticed and placed a hand on my bicep. He said one more thing before the bell rung.

"No! I-I kind of like it" he stood up and walked away.

"Mudz" he said quietly and shook his head before exiting the room.

He said one thing under his breath before disappearing "How cute."

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