Chapter 3: Music room

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Stuart's pov:

Finally, lunch time. I thought to myself as I walked to the end of the staircase and sat down in the nook behind it. I never brought lunch, nor did I eat it at school, but I liked lunch solely because it was my alone time. No one ever ventured to the south staircase where I sit seeing as this is where the music room is and it was never in use.

Although, today was different. I heard a bunch of weird sounds come from the room, sounded like it was a keyboard playing. Whoever was playing was just pushing random keys and it sounded horrible...
I can play way better than that.

My curiosity got the best of me and I walked up to the small window to see what was happening in the room. To my surprise, I saw 3 people playing random instruments

"I like this one!" a small girl beamed while slapping the keys on the keyboard. She's gonna break it. I face palmed and looked away when I heard another voice

"You're gonna break it, Noodle!" a large guy yelled as he started playing the drums. He's really good... wait... Noodle? That's a weird name.

I looked around around for a few minutes before hearing another voice. This was the last one.

"Here, babygirl, I think you'll like this one" Murdoc handed 'Noodle' an electric guitar before stepping back and crossing his arms. He looked at the large man and smirked "Watch this" he smiled at the girl and she started playing.

She played a sick guitar shred like it was nothing. She was the best guitar player I've ever seen. I didn't expect it. Honestly, I was so distracted by her playing that I didn't notice Murdoc staring at me.

"Dents?" he questioned and Noodle stopped playing abruptly. Both her and the large man turned to face me at the same time.

"Who's this, Murdick?" he laughed and walked up to the door, allowing me to step inside the room.

"Hi! I'm Noodle! What's your name?" the girl tugged on my shirt and looked up at me with puppy eyes. She looked small for her age. I'm guessing she's a freshman.

"Oh hi!" I smiled back, trying to reciprocate the same energy she gave me. "I'm Stuart! It's nice to meet you" She blushed and ran up to the large man.

"I like him already" she 'whispered' to him as she smiled from ear to ear.

The man patted the girl on the back and faced me "What's up? The name's Russell, you can call me Russ though" he smiled before Murdoc cut in.

"Hey! It took me 2 months until you let me call you Russ" he pouted

"Yeah well that's because I didn't trust you" he laughed and Murdoc cut in once more.

"Wha- And you trust him?" he let his mouth hang open and pointed towards me.

Russ looked at Noodle who was now spinning in the chair. "If she approves, I approve" he laughed and turned to face me.

"I fuck with the hair Stuart!" He walked up to me and played with my locks before Murdoc slapped his hand and wrapped his arms around me. I flinched really hard.

"Mine!" he snarled at Russ "I found him first! He's my friend!" He exclaimed before letting go.

"We can all be friends!" Noodle said as she got off the chair and hugged me.

"Yeah I think there's enough of me to go around..." I said while blushing and rubbing my neck

"Anyways, what are you guys doing in here?" I asked while walking around the room, Noodle still attached to my body and my hand placed on her head.

"We're starting a band. We need a front man though, someone who can sing and possibly play an instrument..." Russ said as he took a seat on dusty drum stool.

I looked at Murdoc and my eyes widened.

"No... No absolutely not! I barely know you!" I said as he walked up to me

"C'mon, Blue bird!" he punched my arm and begged for a few minutes before I finally agreed

"Fine... fine. I can play the keyboard... is that okay?" I smiled at Noodle

"Perfect! Isn't he perfect Murdoc-san!" she grinned and looked at me with her cute eyes. I ruffled her hair and let Murdoc place a hand on my shoulder

"The most perfect person on the planet... besides me of course" He winked and walked towards his bag.
He really thinks that highly of me? We've known each other for what... 4 Hours?

He grabbed his bag and walked to the door "Alright, I have some business to attend to but I'll catch up to you all after school. Meet here at 3:00, got it?" he walked out before we could accept.

"Right, we should get going. We have to meet Keith in the library, Noodle" Russell said as he grabbed his bag and walked out, waiting for Noodle to join him.

"It was really nice meeting you, Stuart!" she smiled and skipped out the room. I caught up to them and waltzed down the hall.

"Hey um... what's the deal with, Murdoc?" I asked. He seemed intriguing but I couldn't place my finger on why. Maybe it was his confidence? Or was it his... looks?

Noodle looked up at me, while still walking "Murdoc? I have nothing bad to say about him! He doesn't have many real friends but when he makes them, he'll go to great lengths to keep them happy!" she smiled and looked at russ, waiting for him to continue

"Yeah, that guy is hard to read, I'm glad he takes care of us. Well... mostly Noodle. She's a real trouble maker" he laughed and started walking faster.

Noodle tried catching up to him "Hey not so fast!" I stopped in my tracks and they continued walking She looked back and said one more thing. "Oh Russ! Shouldn't you warn him about that one thing?" he looked at her and laughed "Oh right. He fucks anyone and everyone"

I blushed and looked away before asking one more question "Wait! Why did he become friends with you guys? N-no offense it's just... I'm not quite picking up what ur throwing" I said shyly.

They both stopped abruptly as I walked towards them.

"Eh, I don't blame you. He lives on his own, he was kicked out a while ago but no one really knows why" Noodle looked down at her shoes and sighed

"He's an orphan, basically, just like me and Russ. We all met at this after school counseling thing. He only went once but he's been friends with us ever since!"

She smiled, obviously trying to lighten the mood, she continued "Anyways, us orphans always look out for each other! Right russ" she said while turning around.

"Right" he said while saluting. Noodle stopped to say goodbye to me.

"Anyways, it was nice meeting you stuart! See you later! Don't forget to meet up after class" she waved goodbye and skipped down the hall

"Yeah! See ya, Stu! It was really nice meeting you" Russel smiled while walking backwards and they both turned a corner

Maybe this 'I don't care about anyone but me' act was just that.... an act? I think he's growing on me.

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