Chapter 7: Ace

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Stuart's pov:

"Hurry your pretty little arse, faceache!" Murdoc screamed from outside the apartment. What the fuck am I going to do about.. this situation. I looked around frantically and grabbed my backpack quickly bringing it up to my crotch.

"Alright I'm ready" I said while walking out the apartment complex and out into the street.

"Right.. then." Murdoc analyzed me and dragged out his words while I scurried next to him and sat in the passengers seat.

"You can leave your bag in the back seat, dullard, seeing as you don't have enough leg space as is" He chuckled and threw his bag in the trunk before closing it. He came up on my side of the car and knocked on my window with his knuckle.

Not expecting that, I flinched and turned towards him, rolling down the window since it was a manual lever. "Yeah?" I questioned while looking up at him.

"You're gonna keep your bag in the front?" He said while furrowing his eyebrows and pointing to my bag which was pressed against my lap.

"Yeah it's fine, Mudz" I turned away and rolled up the window quickly, trying to avert any attention from my problem while gripping onto the bag tighter.

"Whatever you say, mate" he chuckled to himself and got in the drivers seat before looking over at me. He smiled and started the car.

He had a nice smile, his eyes almost squinting as he did so. I think he looks really nice sometimes, I'm glad I got to see the real him. It's not as intimidating as I would've thought. I really like him... He's a good friend

~~~time skip~~~

The car ride was pretty average, the occasional joke here and there and of course, sexual innuendo.

Pretty soon, we made it to the school and walked up to it together. Once again, more staring and pointing was coming from the students and teachers.

"Right then FUCK OFF, yeah?" Murdoc flipped them all off while walking backwards and stumbled a little before returning to his position and putting an arm around my shoulder.

"W-what are you doing, Murdoc?" I said while blushing and looking away

"Isn't this what friends do?" He said while making me turn to look at him

"This looks kind of gay don't you think?" I said while pulling his arm off

"Your point?" He trailed off before looking at a group of guys down the hall. They stared him up and down before crossing their arms. He turned to face me and he finished his sentence. "Straight people don't think about what looks gay or not, unless they're internally homophobic"

He smirked and leaned closer "Are you internally homophobic, Stuart? Hmm?" he laughed as I backed up into the lockers, my hands fidgeting nervously as I felt the sudden heat of his breath against my face.

"No! I just don't want people... thinking I'm gay..." I said while turning to look at the guys down the hall, they looked rather... impatient?

"Oh I get it! You don't want people finding out until you're ready? Gotcha!" He smiled and walked away while snickering to himself and adjusting his leather jacket.

"No! Wait where are you going?" I said as he turned his back to face me. The words came out louder and with more force than I originally intended. As much as I hated to admit... I felt sort of safe around him.

"I'm gonna meet with some friends... Don't wait up. I'll see you in class" He walked away and towards the group before casually shoving one of them. They all started laughing and walking away, Murdoc turning back to see I was still there. He winked and turned the corner with the rest of them.

I felt a poke on my side and looked down to see a small girl standing next to me. She smiled up at me and waved "Hi, Stuart!". Finally, as if being pulled out of a trance, I get the words out and try to match her energy the way I always had.

"Hey Noodle, what's up?" I ruffled her hair a little bit and pulled her in for a side hug. I hadn't had a hug in a while. It was weird feeling her warmth against me. I've only know her, and the rest of the group now that I think about it, for a couple hours but I already felt closer to them than I had with anyone else. It was a weird feeling and I could almost taste my saliva getting sour as my stomach churned. What's this all about.

"Nothing! Me and Russ were gonna go to the band room to clean up a bit until we saw you" She nuzzled her head into the side of my chest and wrapped her arm around my waist. Soon enough the tall figure comes up from behind her. Although I was busy immersed in my own thoughts, I'm not sure how I didn't see him sooner.

"I see you've met Ace?" he puts one hand on his backpack strap and leans against the lockers. I'm not sure why, but the name makes me feel something odd. The unknown feeling comes and leaves quickly, but the name itself is stuck in my head. Ace.

I push the thoughts away quickly and answer him in the same nonchalant manner he asked the question in. "No? Who's that?" my hands started sweating as Noodle pulled away from the hug. The warmth leaving the side of my body made me feel horrible, as if I did something wrong.

Noodle looks up at Russel and he glances down at her for a split second before tightening his grip around the strap of his bag.

"Story for another day I guess?" I turned to face the hall and started walking, thoughts coming and going quickly. Some bad, some reassuring, all of them about Ace. I walked a bit further, hoping they'd follow. Sure enough, they did, allowing their shadows to fall alongside mine, their bodies still out of my vision.

"Yeah. It's a lot..." Noodle pauses for a second before laughing to herself slightly. "We should wait for him to tell you..." I hear her boots clicking against the floor as she speeds up. Her small body is next to mine and she pokes me for the second time today.

"Yes M'lady?" I say while bowing down so I'm closer to her height. She giggles, bringing a hand up to her face to keep more from escaping. "You should ask him at the party" she half whispers half giggles. I was a little confused why she was laughing, and why she assumed I would go with him. More importantly, why at the party?

I guess she takes my silence as confusion so she elaborates. "He'll be high off his ass, he'll be more likely to tell you." She walks towards the band room, Russell already opening the door for her.

"That feels wrong!" I yell as she walks through the door.

"You feel wrong!" she yells back in protest as Russel laughs and shrugs his shoulders at me

"What are we gonna do with her?" He half laughs, half says to me while smiling.

"I wish I knew. I'll uh.. see you at lunch, yeah?" the words felt weird leaving my mouth. I hadn't had a group of friends in a long time. Are they even my friends?

"Yeah man!" he smiled and walked in, allowing the door to close behind him.

So many questions rattled in my brain, but they'd be left unanswered until the party.

***** omg hey guys... its been a while since i updated. i've been busy but i found my motivation to write again! i think i'm gonna leave 'my bluebird' alone for a while until i figure out how to end it. this story, however, is going to be my main focus and hopefully it gets better than how the past chapters have been written. i want them to be interesting so ill write more and maybe more sporadically. thank you for being patient. I love you all so much ;')*****

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