Chapter 8: No judgement

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~~ Time skip to after school - 3:05 PM ~~

Stuart's pov:

I paced up and down the halls frantically, eventually stopping to lean my back against the lockers. Murdoc hadn't talked to us all day. He didn't show up at lunch, to any of our classes, he was completely AWOL. As I kneaded my hands, I thought it would make more sense to go to his car and wait for him there. He would have to show up eventually.

As I walked out the back of the school and towards the lot, I heard someone shuffling in between two of the buildings. I backed up and hid behind some bushes, my instincts telling me it was best I didn't get involved with whoever was out there. 

"Murdoc!" the voice called out. I heard boots shuffling in the gravel. "Murdoc, you don't have to do this!" Who was that? What didn't Murdoc have to do?  The man's voice was quivering, he seemed helpless, as if  he knew that asking Murdoc would result in nothing, but he had to try anyway. 

"Oh fuck off! You know I don't have a choice." I recognized his voice immediately, the low, yet harsh, tone made me sink further into the dirt. 

"What has he ever done for you?" 

"He saved me! He gave me a home, got me away from my... our piece of shit father!"

"Look, I know, but he's done some shitty things too! He's in jail, I stepped in for him and I say you don't have to do this, Murdoc!" The voice was kind and sincere, he really did care for Murdoc. 

"Ace! Fucking hell! You think because he's gone I don't have to do what he says? He has spies everywhere! That little cunt 'Snake' is probably one of them! I owe him this..." Murdoc trailed off for a second and there was silence before he picked up the irritation in his voice again.

"And you? You think you're hot shit because you're the 'leader' now? I promise you, Hannibal is still calling all the shots whether you know about it or not!" 


So this was the 'Ace' everyone was talking about. I didn't get the full story, but I can already tell there's some tension between them. There's history.

"At least tell me when..." Ace said sternly.

There was hesitation before Murdoc finally said "Friday."

"Which one?"


"Which fucking store, Murdoc" his voice was more confident this time.

"The one on Grand and Central... Don't you dare follow me. I have to do this on my own" I heard gravel crunching and the faster the sounds came, the closer I realized they were. I quickly hopped to my feet and made my way to the car. 


"Hey faceache." He greeted me with an awkward slap on the back and quickly got in.

"Hey?" I asked as he impatiently started the car and fidgeted with his hair, slicking it back on one side.

"That's what I said, yeah" he didn't look at me, instead he nodded his head towards my side "Are you gonna get in?"

"I haven't seen you all day... I was just um... worried." I sat in the passengers seat and placed my bag at my feet. Although he was still fidgety, my response still got a witty comment out of him.

"Oi? You missed me?" He chuckled and backed out of the space. Soon enough, we were on the road. It was quiet and empty, leaving me alone with nothing but the sounds of light humming and Murdoc's breathing. I placed my head against the window and responded.

"I said I was worried. Don't get cocky." I smiled against my own shoulder and faced the road after a few seconds of contemplation.

"You know you missed me..." He trailed off and glanced over at me. The light turned red and after that stop, we sat in silence for the rest of the car ride.


We made our way into the apartment, Murdoc walking straight into his room and locking it. I sat on the couch thinking about what Ace and Murdoc were arguing about. Suddenly, I felt a huge drop in the temperature. It had been cold the entire time but it seems I had just now noticed. I hear the door unlock and he comes out, still in his jacket. 

"Shit, Murdoc, it's freezing!" I shuddered to emphasize my point.

"Satan..." He paused for a moment "I forgot to pay the bill" he placed his hands on the kitchen counter and leaned into them. In this specific position, his arse was sticking out a bit and I looked him up and down. 

No. There's no way. He wouldn't feel the same way. He'd probably just fuck me and leave. Even if I were to experiment, I could do much better than Murdoc.

"It's fine. You said you had extra blankets right?" 

Completely ignoring my question, he proceeded "I'll pay it right now but they probably won't have it back on until tomorrow, earliest" He turned his body to face me, arse leaning against the counter this time. His eyes were locked on his feet.

"You're alright, Murdoc" I walked up to him and placed hand on his chest. He inhaled sharply before relaxing into my touch.

"This is bloody embarrassing..." He looked away before I placed my hand on his face, making him turns towards me. Touching his face made me feel so many emotions. One of them being panic. Would he push me off? Would he touch me back?

"Don't worry about it. No judgement, right?" I chuckled to myself but little did he know, my heart was pounding so hard I could hear it. I was scared.

His face was hard to read and he knew that. He was trying to read into my actions like I, his. Before I knew it, I pulled away and walked back over to the couch. 

"No judgement, Stu" 

"W-what?" I asked, turning back to face him

"That goes for you too. No judgement. Don't... don't pull back next time" before I could respond, he walked into his room and threw a blanket at me before slamming the door and locking it again. 

No judgement.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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