7. new target • M

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As per his punctual nature, Hongjoong showed up right on time

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As per his punctual nature, Hongjoong showed up right on time. He rings the door bell a few times before briefly running his hand through his vibrant red hair and silently taking in his best friend's new home.

San, who was in his room, immediately gets off his bed to go open it but Wooyoung had already bolted out of his room, down the stairs and practically yanked open the door.

Hongjoong just stood with eyes slightly wide upon meeting Wooyoung for the first time. "Hi, you must be Hongjoong. Come in" Wooyoung says with a cute smile while stepping aside for the older.

"Hi. Um.." Hongjoong tries to gather his thoughts. "You're Wooyoung, correct?"

"The one and only" Wooyoung replies as he shuts the door.

"It's n-nice to meet you" He's really hot..

"Joong, you ready?" San asks absentmindedly as he walks down the stairs while scrolling through his phone.

Hongjoong swallows the lump in his throat and glances at his friend. "Yeah"

"By the way, Wooyoung's coming with us so.. yeah" San says with an exasperated sigh and Hongjoong nods, flashing a half smile to Wooyoung. The youngest of the three, smiles back but with a certain dark look in his eyes. One that made Hongjoong shiver a little.

He looks away, a little flustered by Wooyoung's hard gaze. "We ready to go?" He croaks out.

"Uhm hold on, need to change quickly" Wooyoung walks past them and made his way to the stairs.

"What you have on right now is fine" San interjects.

"I'll be quick" He was already sprinting up the stairs, 2 stairs at a time.

San sighs again and looks at his friend. "You see what I have to deal with this summer?"

Hongjoong just shrugs. "There's nothing wrong with him... He's also really cute" He whispers the last part just in case anyone was near.

San didn't know what to say, he just rolled his eyes and leaned on the wall. He was clad in a simple black graphic t-shirt with black ripped skinny jeans and sneakers, his tattoos standing out against his pale skin.

A few moments later, Wooyoung comes down the stairs all dressed up. He had on a loose pink jumper which fell past his fingers and had rips in them. The collar way too big and sat wide on his shoulders, making the eye pay attention to his collarbone and dainty necklace. White jean shorts that stopped at his mid thigh.

He gently runs his hand through his lengthy messy dark hair. "Ok, I'm ready" He announces as he shoves on his white sneakers at the door.

San forgot how to breathe at the sight of Wooyoung's neck. He cleared his throat and pushes past them to wait in Hongjoong's car since that was how they were getting there.

Lick (rewritten) - woosanWhere stories live. Discover now