Chapter 1

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The first day of any school is nerve-racking, especially if you're attending a prestigious school for witch craft and wizardry. I'm Analia Fay and this will be my 6th year at Hogwarts and, although I'm shitting it, I couldn't be more excited. I have a good feeling about this year.

This year will be different, I will make sure of it. Now that Dumbridge is long gone the laughter and joy that once filled the halls will come back making the grey stone walls come alive with warmth and comfort.

I heard the train whistle blow and I knew it was time to get going. I said my final goodbyes to my mum at the platform before heading off to find a carriage. I walked down the narrow corridors running my hands along the cold metal below the windows, taking in the smell of musty carpet and children's excitement, passing several full booths before I came to the one with my friends inside.

I join them, filling them in on my summer and listening intently to what they had been doing over the holidays. It was amazing seeing them again.

The train moved swiftly from the dull concrete towers of London to the vast green scenery of the English countryside, the hills rolled over one another interlocking in a seemingly endless landscape as the train chugged out crisp white smoke that joined the clouds souring high in the sky.

Before long we were told to get changed into our robes as we would be arriving shortly. Grabbing my robes from my bag, I began looking for somewhere to change, it's a tight squeeze in the corridors with students laughing, joking and catching up. Chocolate frogs were on the loose everywhere while their hungry buyers were playfully chasing after them.

With most booths full of excitable young witches and wizards it was difficult to find somewhere to change however after walking a few train cars down I finally found a place suitable enough.

As I come out of an empty carriage in my robes, I'm met with a tall figure in a full black suit and perfectly styled blonde hair that hadn't been there when I stepped in. Malfoy...

Draco had filled me with curiosity ever since I met him in first year, he was rude, egotistical and, dare I say, unapologetically handsome, but that's irrelevant.

He often got himself into bother with other students and was typically a well rounded bully however something told me it was all an act. I couldn't tell you why, just a hunch I have about him. Maybe it was the flicker of guilt in his eyes when he insulted someone or the hint of hesitation before laughing at a hateful comment made by one of his goons. Like there was something in his soul that didn't agree with what was being said.

An uproar of laughter from a booth a little way down the cart shot me back to reality.

There was no way I could squeeze past the group of Slytherins without asking them to move, they took up the entire corridor which isn't that big to begin with. They stood like they owned the train, as though it was private property that Malfoy's father bought them so they wouldn't have to mix with common folk.

I took a deep breath, tapped Malfoy on the shoulder and tried politely asking,

"Excuse me, I need to get past." He turned to face me, eyed me up and down as a frown grew on his forehead.

"Don't fucking touch me with your dirty little muggle hands." He sneered at me while his friends behind him chuckled at the insult. "Filthy mudblood"

"I just need past Malfoy." I said biting my tongue, not wanting to pick a fight. I don't want to be here any longer then I need to be.

He shifted to the side, muttering something under his breath. I couldn't hear it but I can guarantee it wasn't pleasant. I squeeze by quickly, brushing my shoulder against his folded arms. He immediately brought his arms closer to his body, as if I was some worthless mutt.

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