Chapter 5

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6:55. For some reason I had been staring at the clock anticipating this moment since 6:15. I didn't know why, maybe I was nervous, or scared, or even excited, or maybe none of them and I just wanted to get project done so I wouldn't have to work with Draco anymore. It could've even been a bit of all of them to be honest but I'd never openly admit that.

I had gotten changed a few minutes ago into a cute yellow jumper, a pair of black shorts and tucked my deep brown hair into a messy bun, which granted isn't the most stylish, Paris Fashion Week type of outfit but it's comfy and I'm only seeing Draco tonight, what does he care.

I make my way down to the Slytherin common room for the first time ever. It's not that I don't know where it is, I just have never had the need to go down o the dungeons. Despite the assumptions made about Slytherin, they are very private individuals.

By now I knew I was definitely nervous, Sytherins can be... unwelcoming to say the least, and if they're anything like Draco this won't be a pleasant exchange.

They are truly quite hostile towards anyone except fellow Slytherins, maybe it's something to do with the expectation that they're all bad people, that if you've got a single evil bone in your body your a Slytherin. But in actuality nobody is 100% good or bad. The immediate correlation between Slytherin and evil has created some what of a divide between them and the other three houses, like a rivalry, it isolates the Slytherin house from the entire school and paints them all unfriendly and deceitful. Over time it's as if the students in Slytherin learn of this divide and play into their stereotypes even more.

Of course some Slytherins remain as friendly and approachable as they once were before their were housed, or even denied the stereotypes all together and proved you can be in a house and not play surrender to the assumptions.

As I near the common room, two first years bolt out of the door, leaving the it slightly open. Walking towards the door I could hear distinct voices talking which I quickly realised were Draco, Camille, Pansey and Blaise.

"So whats the deal with that Ravenclaw that's coming here tonight?" Blaise jokingly said not knowing I could hear everything.

"Another heart to break Draco? Smash then dash like the rest?" Pansey added obviously quite jealous she hadn't been in the position despite her best efforts.

"Guys c'mon, she's a nice girl." A soft voice made me smile as she defended me.

"Camille, she's a muggle born." Pansey uttered in disgust at her friend.

"So? That really doesn't change anything. Why is she coming though?" Camille came from a long line of Slytherins, the sorting hat sorted her almost as fast as he did Draco. It was instant, but she never turned evil.

"Ugh it's just some stupid project that foul new teacher set, trust me she's not going to be here for more than 30 minutes." Draco said, "She's just some dumb mudblood."

Him and his friends laughed at their conversation. I knew Draco's reputation with the ladies at this school, but I didn't know he joked about it so openly, I would have hoped he'd have a little more respect.

I shook the comments aside, plastered a smile onto my face and pushed my way through the door, startling a group of Slytherins that were sitting on the couch.

"Hi Malfoy." I smiled, looking up at him, "Camille, Blaise, Pansey. How are you all today?" nodding at them as I pass. They didn't grant me a response, just a dirty look and an eye roll and from Camille a gentle smile.

"Wonderful to see you all as usual and as much as I'd love to stay and catch up about our holidays, we have a project we better start." I said looking at Draco behind me, hoping they can sense the sarcasm in my voice.

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