Chapter 2

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I made my way back up to the castle and into the dining hall after spending the rest of the morning by the lake, sitting by the water and playing with the ripples my feet made. It was lunch time and everyone was sat in the great hall chatting and laughing with friends.

I'll get the work I missed in my morning classes from Luna and I'll make up some lame excuse as to why I wasn't in class, something like 'I ate too many puking pastels' or 'I lost my pet mouse', hopefully all my professors believe it, for having truth potions and magic at the tips of their fingers the professors here can be very gullible.

I sat down, plonking my books down on the seat next to me and rested my head in my hands. While looking around the room my eyes found Draco and his group of followers at the far end of the Slytherin table.

They were all joking around and having fun until they noticed me staring, all their eyes were on me until Goyle whispered something in Draco's ear and he erupted into laughter telling the rest of his friends the same thing. I had no idea whether it was about me but I could hazard a pretty strong guess that it wasn't about anyone else in the room.

I didn't even care I'd only been here for 2 minutes or hadn't eaten anything, I grabbed my books from the chair and urgently rushed out of the hall, I wasn't going to give Draco and his minions the time of day, I heard laughter as I went and I shook my head to to the floor making my way to the next class early. There were no words to describe how angry I was at Draco, how dare he make fun at me, joke about me and do it so blatantly in front of my eyes. He really was a twat.

For the rest of the day, all I heard was snickering and laughter coming from the back of every classroom I sat in. I didn't dare look back at him, or let him know it effected me, that's the worst thing I could do, give them the satisfaction of annoying me, or upsetting me?

I don't even know why they were doing it, was it to upset me? Or just piss me off? All because I 'insulted' him, more like told the truth to me, for dishing out so many hurtful comments daily, you'd think he could handle a couple bad words in his name.

School ended after what felt like years and I wandered the halls of Hogwarts, finding my way up to the Ravenclaw common room, admiring the details in the stone walls, all the cracks and exposed brick. This place is ancient, but more beautiful than you could ever imagine.

I came to the common room door and quietly said the password to get in, everyone is already back from their classes, doing homework or chatting about some useless school gossip on the couches.

"Hey Ana-banana, how was your summer?" Will, a seventh year called me over to where him and his friends were sitting by the roaring fire.

"It was good, and yours? Did you end up gettting scouted?" The tall chestnut haired boy had a passion for quidditch and last year had scouts sniffing around his games.

"Hell yeah, he signed to Bigonville Bombers." His friend chipped in obviously proud of such a big achievement for the boy.

"It's little away from home but I'll be doing what I love." Will added.

"That's amazing, isn't that Luxembourg's team?"

"Yeah." He smiled knowing their reputation.

"Holy shit, that really is amazing, they always score the most goals." I said feeing his excitement and lightly punching his arm.

"I'm pretty proud." He said not so humbly, but who would be for signing to a a major team like that.

"I bet." I look around at the beaming smiles on his and all the surrounding friends faces, they were all so happy for him. "Anyway I better head off, congrats." I said walking away towards my dorm, he gave me a wave and turned back to his friends to continue the conversation they were having before I interrupted.

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