Chapter 21

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*Draco's POV*

I woke to the sound of birds chirping in the nests that covevered the rock face, the same they did every year at around the same time and for the first time I didn't have the overwhelming temptations to silence them. In fact I listened intently to the subtle songs they sang to each other, it traveled on the fresh winter breeze that danced through the slightly open window and nipped my toes that poked out of the covers.

My eyes squinted from the sun that shone brightly through a slit in the drawn curtains that were supposed to be black out.

I took a deep breath and exhaled while noticing the beautiful figure that was wrapped tightly amongst my bedsheets, her hand gripped firmly on the top of the sheet to keep it from falling off while she slept in total tranquillity, the only movement coming from her chest that rose and fell with every slow breath she took.

She had me locked in a trance, I was completely and utterly mesmerised by her effortless beauty, by her just lying there sleeping, it made no sense, there was no rhyme or reason, I think she could do anything and I'd be swept with admiration.

The memories of last night creeped into my mind, it was nothing like I'd experienced before, I'd never had sex with someone I felt so strongly for, only ever quick hookups that meant nothing and now felt sad and lonely. It made me feel euphoric, and for her to still be here made it all the better, it meant something, to both of us.

This year was destined to be dreadful, the deal I made was set to consume me, and for the most part it has, all my free time has gone into repairing that damn closet and trying to get the job done but somehow, Ana gave me another reason to be here at Hogwarts, she almost made it worth while.

In all honesty I could be doing the unthinkable task of  planning murder and she would skip around the corner and make all the worries, all the fear wash away.

Before I got to know her, before she worked her way into my life and captivated me I would dream the most horrible dreams, ones that make your bones grow cold and your mind become bleak, ones that relished in your unknown fears and send shivers down your spine if you dare think about them for a second of your day.

For some unexplained reason she took those nightmares away and replaced them with dreams of her, visions of joy and happiness, laughter.

There was so much dark in the world but she was the light that everyone needed, I pity the people who haven't felt the warmth she gives, who haven't experienced the joy that surrounds her and who haven't had the pleasure of having their entire day flipped into something of wonders by a single conversation with her.

It makes my heart ache that my parents wouldn't approve of her, their views are so ingrained in their heads that they've trained themselves to automatically hate anything other than a pureblood line.

My father joined the death waters when he rose to power, my mother forced to stay by her sister who has a very extreme view on mudbloods.

Being surrounded by dark people with even darker opinions solidified their belief systems and have since proved their hatred for muggle born witches and wizards.

A gut wrenching feeling took over as I looked down on this peaceful, innocent girl who didn't belong in my world and realised what could happen if god forbid my parents found out about her, they'd kill her, if not them then he would order Aunt Bella to do his dirty work.

I knew they were more than capable of killing her without remorse because of her blood status, no matter my feelings towards her, probably more inclined the terminate her to stop whatever this is, to stop it from moving any further, convinced it would make me weak and pollute the bloodline.

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