Chapter 10

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Bailey Mcglennon's P.O.V.

I watched Deanna as she stared at the door where Justin was just standing.

"He... he's gone..." Deanna stutters.

I've never seen her this... uncollected since I've met her.

Without warning she starts crying.

Crap, what the hell was I supposed to do!

"Deanna, don't-don't cry..." I sit on the edge of her bed and wrap my arms around her.

I was never good with this kind of stuff...

"No... no... if he thinks he's just gonna leave like that, he's wrong!" I hold her down as she tries to get up.

"You need to rest!" I say.

"Let me go!" She shrieks.

William comes over to help me restrain her.

She bites William and he shrieks, pulling back. He cradles his arm.

She drew blood! Two little wounds are visible on his arm.

Oh crap.

"Deanna licks her lips hungrily at William.

"Jason I need you to do a locator spell to find Justin we need him, now," I say.

Jason nods and leaves the room.

"What do I do Bailey?" William asks.

"You stay with me, I may need some muscle," I say.

I can tell he's happy I'm using him as muscle because his face lights up when I say it.

Deanna thrashes around the bed.

"I'm so thristy!" she shrieks in a high pitched voice.

"William hold her down, I'm going to go get some blood bags," I say.

"You're going to steal blood bags?!" William asks.

I ignore him and leave the room. I hear him growl as he holds down Deanna.

Deanna Slotegraaf's P.O.V.

 What was wrong with me? I was thrashing around the hospital bed like and idiot. I was so thristy!

The funny thing was the doctors haven't come in to see what the noise was about.

"So thirsty! So thristy!" I shriek and snap at William who was holding me down.

"Deanna! Here!" I hear Bailley at the door, before she throws blood bags at me.

I down them all.

Crap... I was a vampire.....

"More! More!" I shriek.

"What have I done..." I hear Justin say.

He came back...

"What the hell did you do to her!?" Bailey asks Justin.

"Um... when I fed on her... I took a lot.... the doctors said she wouldn't make it..." Justin says, "So I gave her some of my blood to heal her... I guess I took enough to turn her... the doctors say she's a miracle..."

"You made her a friggen vampire?!" Bailey shouts and Justin cringes.

"Shh! Why don't you just tell the whole world!" Justin says.

"Sorry..." Bailey mumbles.

"I was exactly like this when I turned, I can help her..." he says.

"I think you've done enough," she says.

"Oh? You wanna be left alone with the psychotic new born vampire?!" Justin snaps.

Bailey sighs. "Fine, I'll get her released," she says and turns and leaves the room.

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