Chapter 7

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Fifteen minutes and I have to meet Jason at the school.

I dress in all black, taking my brothers ski mask and putting it over my head.

Ten minutes later I was taking the city bus to school.

I arrived at exactly midnight. Time to meet my doppelganger bitch.


"Was the ski mask really necessary?" Jason asks me as we walk towards the school.

"Yes, it was very necessary!" I smirk.

As soon as I got of the bus I literally did a tuck and roll, Jason staring at me, telling me I was taking this way to seriously.

I was on a mission.

"So how are we gonna get in the school?" I ask, "Are we gonna blow up the doors? Break some windows?"

"I'm a witch... Remember?" he says.

"Oh, right..." I say.

We make it to the front doors and Jason stands in front of them, his eyes closed. I stand back and watch.

I feel a gust of wind and the doors burst open.

Jason does this whole witchy and mumbles some Latin and a ball of light appears in his hand.

"Wow," I breathe. I'm still not used to seeing him use his powers.

He smirks and we step into the darkness of the school.

Now we wait.

Deanna Slotegraaf's P.O.V.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" William asks for abouth the gazillionth time! "Because I'm okay with turning back and-"

"William! Will you shut up already!"I snap.

He falls silent.

"I'm sorry, William, I just can't think with you talking..." I say.

We make it to the school and I can just make out the faint shadow of Justin. He's my muscle.

"Hey, De-I mean Bailey," Justin says and I scowl at him for almost blowing my cover.

"Who's this?" William asks, eyeing Justin suspiciously.

"This is my friend Justin, he is going to help us get into the school," I say.

Justin stands in front of the doors and breaks the lock easily.

William doesn't even question his strength.

I pull a flashlight out of my backpack and flick it on. The three of us step into the school.


"Why are we here again?" William asks as we venture through the school.

"I, uh, left my sweater here..." I say and I hear Justin chuckle.

"We broke into the school for a sweater!?" William says.

"It was a really nice sweater?" I offer.

"Why can't you-" William begins but I cut him off.

"Shh," I place my hand over his mouth.

I hear voices.

Bailey and Jason.

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